Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/119

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FUANCKKX Portrait, Vienna Museum. Allgcm. d. Biogr., vii. 211. FRANCKEN (Franck), AMBROSIUS, the elder, born at Hcrenthals in 1544, died in Antwerp, Oct. 16, 1G1H. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter. Son of Nico- las (died 15%), a mediocre painter ; pupil of Frans Floris ; when twenty-five years old went to Fontainebleau to study tho great frescos of II Rosso and of Primal iecio. In 1573 free master of St. Luke's Guild at Ant- werp, and in 1581-82 its dean. "Works : Madonna with Angels (wreath of flowers by Jeronimus van Kessel), Dresden Gallery ; Martyrdom of St. Crispinus, Miracle of the Loaves (1508), Last Supper, Martyrdom of St. George, four episodes from life of St. Sebastian, twelve others, Antwerp Museum ; Christ and the Adulteress, liaising of Jairus's Daughter, Christ on Mount of Olives (1(500, masterpieces), The Trinity (1(J()S), several Portraits, St. Jacob's Church, Antwerp ; PA it from the Ark, Valenciennes Museum. Am- brosius, the younger (died 1G32), who was a master in the Antwerp guild . ^ in 1(524, was son and pupil of ^/j* Frans the elder. Biog. nat. de Belgi(|ue, vii. 243 ; Cat. clu Musee. d'An- vers (1874), 15!) ; Michiels, vi. 318 ; Rooses (Reber), 110; Van den Branden, 351. FRANCKEN", CONSTANTYN, born at Antwerp, baptized April 5, 1(5(51, died there, Jan. 12, 1717. Battle painter, grandson of Frans Francken, the younger ; went to France at an early age, worked for years in Paris and Versailles, and after his return to Antwerp entered the guild in l(!ir>. Works : Battle of Eekorcn, Retreat of General Mar- ten van Rossum, City Hall, Antwerp. Van den Branden, '.(78. FRANCKEN, FRANS, the elder, born at Hereuthals about 1540, died in Antwerp, Oct. G, 1G1G. Flemish school ; history paint- er, brother of Ambrosius the elder ; pupil of Frans Floris ; obtained the citizenship of Antwerp in 1507, and in the same year was admitted as free master to tho guild of St. Luke, of which in 1588-89 he was the dean. Works : Eteocles and Polynices, Museum. Antwerp ; Triptych, with Jesus among Doc- tors (1587), Cathedral, ilj.; Burial of Christ, Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalen, St. -la- cob's Church, ib. ; Destruction of Pharaoh's Army, Blenheim, pjigland ; History of Es- ther, Louvre ; Flight into PIgypt, Christ led to Golgotha (151)7), An Allegory, Creation of Eve, Creation of Animals (landscape of last two by J. Brueghel), Dresden Gallery; Banquet with Music, Old Pinakothek, Mu- nich ; Curiosity Simp, Assembly of Ladies and Gentlemen, Piece Homo, Vienna Mu- seum. Biog. nat. de Belgi<|iic, vii. 242 ; Cat. dii Mus. d'Anvers (1.S74), Id',: Mi chiels, vi. 315 ; Kie^el, Bcitriigo, ii. 7 t ; Van den Brandon, 312. FR.VNCKKN.FKAXS, the younger, called Don Francisco, bo rn in Ant- werp. May (>, 1581, d'ied t here, May I!, 1(542. Flemish school ; history, landscape, and interior painter, son and pupil of Frans P'rancken, the elder ; went at an early ago to Italy, and studied after tho, old masters in Venice, where ho is said to have acquired his surname. Master of the guild at Antwerp in 1(5(15, dean in 1(515. Painted the foreground figures in pictures of Velvet Brueghel, Neefs the elder, and Josse de Momper. His various modes of signature have caused the greatest dilli- culties in attributing certain works to him or to his father, but it seems now sufficiently certain that in his father's lifetime lie signed " den jon. P l'," after the death of the elder Frans (1616) signed his name without ad- dition, occasionally prefixed " Do., D"." (Don, DominusV), but also still "Den jon.." and after 1(530, "D., Do.," or " D'ouden" (the elder), as then his son, Frans III., may have begun to work independently. He is the most famous of this numerous family of ai-