Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/123

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FUASER Wilkic's influence. Some of his pictures Lave been engraved. Works : Deoch-an- dornis (1830) ; Village Sign-Painter (1837) ; Sir Walter Scott dining with a Blue-Gown Beggar (1844); The Glass of Ale; ItobiiiMon Crusoe reading the Bible to Friday ; Last Moments of Mary C^ueeu of Scotts. Red- grave ; Art Journal (18C.1), 125. ERASER, ALEXANDER, born in Linlithgowshire, Scotland ; contemporary. Landscape painter, member of U.S.A. Stu- dio in Edinburgh. Paints Scottish scenery attractively. Works : At Barncleuth, Na- tional Gallery, Edinburgh ; Glen Arnan, Trout Stream in Highlands, Springtime at J)ingleton (1878). FRASER, CHARLES, born in Charles- ton, S. C., in 1782, died there in 18CI). After practising law several years, devoted himself in 1818 to art, and became a suc- cessful painter, especially of miniatures, though he also painted historical and genre pictures and landscapes. In 1857 a collec- tion of his works was exhibited in Charles- ton, including 311$ miniatures and llt'J other pieces. He numbered among his sitters many prominent people. FRAUSTADT, F. A., born at Lauchstadt, near Halle, April !), 1821. History painter, pupil in Dresden of Bendemaun, Kietsehel, and Schnorr ; has lived since 1857 in Ant- werp. His large compositions glorify the Nibelung Saga and form a kind of cycle. Formerly painted many portraits. Works : Krimhilde's Dream ; How Siegfried was be- trayed ; Siegfried's Farewell ; How Hagen did not rise before Krimhildo ; Tot/el's In- dulgence Sermon ; Rope Dancers ; Interior in Time of the Merovingians ; Goths in Rome ; Portrait of Composer Grctry (1880 1. FREDERICK BARBAROSSA, DEAD, Karl Wilhelm Kulbe, National Gallery, Ber- lin ; canvas, H. 7 ft. 4 in. x 10 ft. 5 in. Upon a high bier, formed of lances and car- ried by four knights, the dead king lies in state, crown on head and sword in hand, surrounded by banners and escorted bv Crusaders mounted and on foot ; preceding him a bishop with crosier, accompanied bv monks and ministrants with censors ; in background, the battle has begun around the city of Antioch, from which smoke is rising. Bought in 18(>',( from the artist's bequest. FKKDI, BAKTOLO 1)1. See /;,/, /, im-ii di Manfredi. FREEMAN, JAMKS EDWAItD. born in Nova Scotia in 1808, died in Rome. Nov. 21. 1884. Figure painter, pupil in New York of the National Academy ; studied ;md painted many years in Rome, where lie resided. Elected N.A. in LSI):!. Works : Mother and (Child 1808); Beggars; Youn^Italv. Flower Girl; Savoyard Hoy in London; Girl and Parrot, 11. P. Kidder, Boston; Study of a head for Judith, Lucchcse Peasants on the Sands of the Serchio (188:!). FREER, FREDERICK V.. born in Chi- cago, 111., in 184'.). Genre painter, pupil of the Munich Academv. Member of Socielv of American Artists. Exhibits at. the Na- tional Academy. Studio in New York. Works iu oil : Choosing a Study, T. I! Clark, New York ; Souvenir of Gainsborough (1881); Wait ing (188-2); In Ambush ( bss:!); Adagio, Jeanette Portrait Study, lieliind the Fan (188 J). Water-colours : Arranging the Bouquet, Veiled Head (1881); Dream- Life, The Mirror (1885). FREESE, HERMANN, born in 1'omerania, May 14. 1S11I, died at. Hasenfelde, July 2.",, 1871. Animal painter, pupil in Berlin of Brticke and of Stell'eck. Works : Stags Fighting (18.">7), Stags attacked by Wolves; Stags Pursued, Boar Hunt, National Gallery, Berlin ; In the Pasture. Rosenberg, Berl. Malerseh., 202. FREGEVI/E, FRIEDRICH, born in Ge- neva in 1777, died there, Oct. !, 1811). Landscape painter, lived for many years in Berlin, where he was made member of the Academy iii 1820 ; returned to Geneva in 182'J, and went to Dessau in 183i). Works: