Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/125

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FUKUK Well near Xebemy, Stettin Museum ; De- parture from Jerusalem for Jaffa, New York Museum. Bellier cle la Chavignerie, i. 581); Larousse, viii. 817. FRERE, (PIERRE) EDOUARD, born in Paris, Jan. 10, 1819. Genre painter, brother of Thco- dore, pupil of Paul Delaroche and of Ecole iles Beaux Arts. He gained his first success in 1840, an<l has since steadily improved, his best works bo- ing some of tho least laboured. Medals : Oil class, 1S.">0 and 18:55; 2.1 class, 1852; L. of Honour, IS."). Works : Preparing for C'hurch (1805), Cor- coran Gallery, Washington ; Little Glutton (1840) ; Little Mountebank, Hen with the Golden Eggs (18-18); Studio (184!)) ; Cook, Laundress (1850), Chartres Museum ; Going to School, Helping Herself (1850), W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; Little Purveyor, Good Friday, Dinner, Reading Lesson, Young Woman Combing (1855); Sunday Toilet, Sweeper (1857) ; Little Housekeeper (1857), Little Dressmaker, Cold Day (1858), W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; Lesson on Flute, Lit- tle Shiverers (185!)); Little School, Dieppe (18G1); Return from Woods, Effect of Snow, Grandmother (ISliO) ; Women Spinning, Girl Sewing (18(14); Palm Sunday, Work- shop at Ecouen (1800); First Steps, Prayer, Blessing, Library, Little Woodcutters, In- terior at Royat, Stove (1807); Women Sew- ing (1808); Preparing Dinner (1808), De- votion, Prayer, W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; Girls leaving School, Boys leaving School, Porch of Church of Saint Paul at Antwerp ; Exercise (1880), J. J. Astor, New York ; Jerusalem frj . from thc Val - ley of J e- hosliaphat (1881) ; Blessed Water (1882) ; Poor Man's Cider, Before Going In (1880); Pull I'p, Storm in a Tub (1RS4) ; A Bivouac, Bakehouse (1885). Bellier de la Chavigne- rie, i. 5'JO ; Larousse ; Hamerton, French Painters. FREUDEXBERGER, SIGMUXO, born in Berne, June 10, 1745, died there, Aug. 15, 1S01. French school ; genre painter, pupil of Emmanuel Handinann, but, went, to Paris at twenty, and there was assisted in his studies by Wille, Boucher, Greu/.o, and R<">slin. Painted portraits and genre pieces in Watteau's style, after liis return home, as well as Scripture scenes. Works: Horo- scope Reali/.ed, Fifteen Scenes from Popular Life in Canton Berne, Berne Museum; Por- trait of Haller, City I.ibrarv, Berne ; Lov- er's Present (177(1), Historical Societv, New York. Allgem. d. Biogr., vii. 055; Dolnne,

Wur/bach. Fr. Mali riles iii. .lalirh., Oil.

FRFY, JOHANNES (JACOB), born at Basle in 1S10, diecl at F rascal i, near Koine, ill 1805. Landscape painter, studied prin- cipally in Italy ; in IS 12 he accompanied Professor Lepsius to Egypt, whence, on his return in LSI:!, he brought many excellent sketches. Works: The Caudine Forks, Yiew near Granada, do. near Rome, do. near Monreal Sicily, Caravan surprised by Saniimi, Wood Landscape in Roman Moun- tains (last, work), Basle Museum ; The Stat- ues of Memnon near Thebes, the Samum in the Desert, New Pinakothek. Munich ; Clmmsyn in the Desert (1845), Emperor of Germany; Statues of Memnon, Sphinx Co- lossus near Memphis (1858), Leipsic Mu- seum. FREYBERG, Baroness ELEKTRIXE YON, born in Stnisburg, March 24, 17H7, died in Munich, Jan. 1, 1847. History and portrait painter, daughter and pupil of Jo- hann Stunt/, landscape painter. Studied in Munich, and in 1821-22 in Rome, where she was influenced by Overbeck, and was made member of the Academy of St. Luke. Works: Madonna, /achariah naming St. John, Boy Flute-Player, Xew Pinakothek, Munich ; Holy Family, Birth of St. John (182!)); Three Holy Women at the Grave, Madonna,