Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/130

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FUOMMEL Arab Horses going to Water, H. P. Kidiler, Boston ; Street Scene in Algiers, H. Pro- basco, Cincinnati ; Aral) Horsemen Hearing a City, Mrs. W. P. Wilstach, Philadelphia ; Cavalcade, A. J. Antclo, Philadelphia; On the Nile, J. C. Runkle, New York ; Arabs Marching, J. T. Martin, Brooklyn ; Chase, C. P. Hunting-ton, New York ; Donkey at a Ford, It. L. Cutting, New York; Street in Cairo, Halt in Desert, Returning from the Expedition, Win. Astor, New York ; Cross- ing the Ford, Arabs watering Horses, W. H. Yanderbilt, New York ; Halt in the Desert, H. C. Gibson, Philadelphia ; The Halt, Boric Collection, Philadelphia ; The Halt (1872), At the Well (1875), Encampment in Atlas (, - Mountains, W. tt<4-Trotntnt"w-v T - ^alters, ' 1 Baltimore. ^ Gonse, Eug. Fromentin (Paris, 1881) ; L'Art (1877), viii. 11, 25; Galaxy (18(ill), ii. 533 ; Gax.. des B. Arts (1878), xvii. 401 ; xviii. 81; (1879), xix. 240; xx. 281; (1880), xxi. 50, 4<M; xxii. 139, 21(i, 31!), 404; Meyer, Gesch., 708; Nation (1881), xxxii. 402.' FROMMEL, KARL LUDWIG, born at Birkenfeld, Oldenburg, April 2'.), 1781), died at Ispringeu, near Pforzheim, Feb. 0, 1803. Landscape painter, pupil of Philipp Jakob Becker (17('>3-1829, Baden court-painter, and director of Carlsruhe Gallery). Studied Claude Lorrainand Poussin in Paris in 1810- 12, then went to Rome and Naples, and in 1817 became professor at the Carlsruhe art- school. He founded the Art and Industry 1 Union of Baden ; visited England in 1824, and was made director of the Carlsruhe Gallery in 182'J. Works : Sorrento ; Out- break of Vesuvius ; Blue Grotto of Capri ; Scylla in Calabria ; Cemetery of Salzburg ; Castle Hoheustaufen ; Castle Tyrol ; View of Rome ; St. Goarshausen ; Monastery near Sorrento (1840), Castle Heiligeuberg on Lake Constance (4, 1853-54), Fiirstenberg Gallery, Doanueschingeu ; Etna, and Taor- mina ; View of Tivoli ; Bellaggio on Lake Como ; Tasso's House at Sorrento ; Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como ; W T aterfall near Tryberg (2), View of Heidelberg, Rocky Landscape in Murg Valley, Castle Alt- Eberstein, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Landscape, Stettin Museum. Allgem. d. Biogr., viii. 144 ; Brockhaus, vii. 374 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, viii. 11. FRONTIER, JEAN CHARLES, born in Paris in 1701, died at Lyons, Sept. 2, 1753. French school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Claude Halle ; won the first prize at the Academy in 1728 ; received as mem- ber in 1744 ; went to Lyons, where he be- came director of the art-school. Works : Vulcan attaching Prometheus to the Rock (1744), Louvre, Paris ; Moses raising the Brazen Serpent (1743), Saiute Croix, Lyons ; Nativity (1745), Museum, ib. Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. 595 ; Jal., (>23. FROSCHL, KARL, born in Vienna in 1818. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Vienna Academy, then in Munich of Wil- helm Diez. Spent several years in Italy. Works : Italian genre scenes, Portrait of his Wife. Midler, 189 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xv. 92. FROST, WILLIAM EDWARD, born at Wandsworth, Sept., 1810, died in London, June 4, 1877. Sub- ject painter, pupil of Sass's Art Academy and of the Royal Academy, where he won the gold medal in 1839 for his Pro- metheus Bound ; be- gan as a portrait painter, but finally devoted himself to painting ideal figures, especially the female nude. Elected an A.R.A. in 184G, and R.A. in 1871. Works : Bacchanalian Dance (1844) ; Sabrina (1845); Diana and Actrcon (1846); Una (1847); Eu- phrosyue (1848); Naiad, Syrens (1849); Chastity (1854); Sea-Nymph (1855); Narcis- sus (1857); Zephyr and Aurora (1858); Daughters of Hesperus (I860); Graces and