Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/147

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(iAUUAKI) donna with Saints, Madonna del Riposo, Raising of iMzurim, St. 1'i-lrr Martyr, Dis- covery of the Crux.-; Municipal Gallery ; and several in the Dnomo. Works in other cities: Tiburtino Silii/l, La Xini/nn-lld (.'), Holy Family, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; An- nunciation, Uffizi, ib. ; Madonna with Saints (1518), Venice Academy ; Deposition from Cross, Crucifixion, Brera, Milan ; Madonna with Saints, Modena (lallery ; Entombment, Deposition, Palaz/o Borghese, Rome ; Ad- oration of Magi, Deposition, Naples Mu- seum ; Triumph of Jlui'i-ltux, Mars ami Venus, Xi'jittim- and ] 'alias, Madonna in Adoration, Dresden Gallery ; ///</ Family, Vatican, Rome. The pictures of Garofalo are almost always pleasing. He was a good draughtsman and colourist, though some- times a little too vivid in his reds and greens for perfect harmony of effect Ac- cording to Vasari he was totally blind dur- ing the last nine years of his Hfe. V a s a r i, cd. Mil., vi. 451) ; Burckhardt, 01)1 ; Seguier, 208 ; Cit- tadella, Mem. di Ben. Tisi (Fcrrara, 187::); Ch. Blanc, Ecole ferraraise ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai, ii. 378 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., x. 210. GARRARD. See (leerart*. GARRICK AS RICHARD IH, William Hogarth, Earl of Fcversham. Painted in 1740. Hogarth was paid for it by Mr. Dnn- combe, of Duucombe Park, Yorkshire, C200 ; "more," he says, "than any English artist ever received for a single portrait." Dob- sou, 03. GAKRICK BETWEEN TRAGEDY AND COMEDY, Sir Joshua lii-ijtmbls ; canvas. Gurrick, seen to knees, standing, looks with an appealing, half-ashamed expression at Tragedy, while turning towards Comedy, unable to resist her allurements. Painted in 17G1 ; sold to Lord Halifax for 300 guin- eas ; at bis sale to Mr. Angersteiu for 250 guineas. Engraved by E. Fisher. GARTNER, EDUARD (JOHANN PHIL- f ccroi I p Q (.

IPP), born in Berlin, June 2, 1X01, died there, Feb. 'JL'l, 1877. Architecture painter, pupil in Cassel of Maler Miiller ; returned to Ber- lin in 1S13 and for six years was apprenticed in the porcelain factory, made a tour to the North Sea in ISiH, studied in Paris in IWt J7, and painted for the ( in St. Peters- burg and Moscow in ls:i7-!i'.). Member of Berlin Academy in I*:!:!. Works: The for- mer licet/en Street in Berlin (1S31 ), National Gallery, Berlin ; others in the Royal Palaces, ib. Jordan ( 1SS.~, ii. OS. GARTNER, FRIKDRK'H, born in Mu- nich, Jan. 11, is-jl. Architecture painter, pupil of Munich Academv and of Siinonsen, studied then in Paris under Jiiccjunutl ; trav died extensively, and settled in Munich in 1S."> 7. AVorks: From the Alhambra ; Inte- rior of House in Tetuan ; Street in Algiers; Mos([iie El Kebir in Algiers; Convent Yard in Moonlight, Interior of Moorish Muilding, New Pinakothek, Munich. Miiller, I'M ; Brockhaus, vii. 504. GARTNER, HEINRICII, born at N. u- St relit/, ^lecklenburg, in IS^S. ]^mdsca]ie painter, pupil in Berlin of Schirmer, and in Dresden of L. Richter. He was much in- tlnenced by Genelli at Munich and by Cor- nelius at Rome ( bS.")(|). Works: Landsca[H> with Return of Prodigal Sou ( 1 S.V.I), Leip.sic Museum ; Scenes from Life of Psycho (lS05-G(j(, Villa Diirr, near Leijisic ; Cycle of landscapes (14) representing Develop ment of Sculpture (in fresco, 1S7S|. Miiller, 1114; Brockhaus, vii. 504; Xeitschr. f. b. K., ii. St. (iASCAR, HENRI, born in Paris in lO:!.",, died in Rome, Jan. IS, 17(11. French school ; portrait painter. Long lived in England, where he became Lcly's competi- tor, and was patronized by the Duchess of Portsmouth. Left England about 1080, having made, it is said, 10,000 in a few years. Member of the Academy in 1080. Work, The Duchess of Portsmouth as Flora, Hampton Court. Redgrave, Jame- son, Hand-Book to Public Galleries, 5112 ; Taylor, The Fine Arts, ii. 300. in