Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/152

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GEBAUER Troyon in Paris, where and in Italy lie spent several years. Has travelled much in Eu- rope and the East. Works : Mackerel Fleet off Beverly Coast, Harbour Bar at Cape Ann (18(59); Palazzo Ducale at Venice (1875) ; Windmills at Delfthaven (187G); Forest Sanc- tuary (187S) ; Minieh on the Nile (1S79). GEBAUER, CHRISTIAN DAVID, born at Neusalx, Silesia, Oct. 15, 1777, died at Aarhus, Jutland, Sept. 15, 1S31. Animal painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy and of Loront/en ; went to Dresden in 1813, where lie painted military scenes, and espe- cially illustrated Cossack life. Visited Ger- many in 1827, and afterwards established a school of drawing at Aarhus. "Works : The Stud (1807); Horse Fair ( 1810) ; Stags light- ing (1823), Landscape with Cattle (1824), Bull and Cow, Sleighing near Munich (1H28), Copenhagen Gallery. "Wcilbaeh. GEBHAHDT, EDUARD VOX, born at, St. Johannis, Esth- land, June 1 (13), 1838. History paint- er, pupil of St. Peters- 1 burg Academy under Lessing, and of Carls- > ruhe Art Scliool, then in Diisseldorf under Wilhelm Sohn; trav- elled throiighEurope, and settled at Diissel- dorf, where he became professor at the Academy in 1873. Mem- ber of Munich and Berlin Academies. Gold medal, Berlin, 1872 ; Medal, Vienna, 1873. Works: Christ's Entry into Jerusalem ( 1803 ) ; Raising of Jairus' Daughter (18(54) ; Dives and Lazarus (18G5) ; Christ on the Cross (1806), Cathedral, Reval ; Religious Conver- sation (1800) ; Vibrations of the Pendulum ; The Brothers van Eyck ; Last Supper (1870), National Gallery, Berlin ; Descent from the Cross (1872); Ecce Homo, Crucifixion (1873), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Disciples at Einmaus (1870) ; Reformer at Work (1877), Leipsic Museum ; Old German Housewife (1879) ; Ascension, Christ walking on the Sea (1881) ; The Convent Scholars (1882) ; Pieta, Cruci- fixion (1884). Brockhaus, vii. 013 ; Miiller, 190 ; Kunst-Chronik, vii. 405 ; xix. 35, 128 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., vii. 301 ; Westermanu's Monatshefte, li. 279. GEBHARDT, LUDWIG, born in Munich, July 20, 1830. Landscape painter, pupil of Munich Academy, then studied from nature in the Bavarian Alps and in North Italy. Works : Ammerland on Lake Starnberg, St. Bartholomew on the Konigsee, View on Lake Constance, Lcutstetten with Lake Starnberg, Upper Isar Valley, Mountains by Moonlight, View in filler Valley. Miiller, 197. GEBLER, FRIEDRICH OTTO, born in Dresden, Sept. 18, 1838. Animal painter, pupil of Dresden Academy, then in Munich of Piloty. Rivals the old Dutch masters in his finely-painted and humourous pictures. Medals in Berlin (1874) and Munich (1883). Works : Rest in the Wood at Noon, Obsti- nate Sheep, Disturbed Domestic Peace (1803); Spoiled Repast, Sheepfold (1870); Poodle as Watchman in Sheepfold (1873); Art-Critics in the Stable (1873), Sheep and Spaniel (1878), National Gallery, Berlin ; Visit to the Stable (1870); Sheep returning before Storm, Expectation, Two Poachers (1880), Dresden Gallery; Reynard's End (1883), New Piuakothck, Munich. Illustr. Zeitg. (1884), i. 90 ; Miiller, 197 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xxi. 309. GEDDES, ANDREW, born in Edinburgh in 1789, died in London, May 5, 1844. Por- trait and subject painter ; pupil in 1807 of the Royal Academy, where he exhibited in 1810 his Draught-Players. Then spent four years at Edinburgh painting portraits. Vis- ited Paris in 1815, Italy in 1828, and Hol- land in 1839. Returned to England in 1831, and was elect- ed an A.R.A. in 1832. He was a good etcher, par- ticularly of portraits. Works : Discovery of the Scot- tish Regalia (1821); Christ and the Woman 116