Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/156

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GELDORP masterly touch. Works : Portrait, of Peter the Groat, Judah and Tliainar, National Mu- seum, Amsterdam ; An Eastern Prince (1G85), Copenhagen Gallery ; Simeon in the Temple, Darmstadt Gallery ; Portrait of Old Woman (1085). Sti'ulel Gallery, Frankfort; Jewish Bride, Study for Portrait of Old Man, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Ecce Homo (1071), Dresden ( iallery; Judah and Thamar, Vienna Academy ; Male Portrait, Liechtenstein Gal- lery, Vienna ; Portrait of a Dutch Admiral, New York Museum ; Twenty-two Scenes from Christ's Passion. Iminer/eel, i. 273 ; Krainin, ii. 555 ; De Stiu rs, 333 ; Vosmaer, 318. ( 1ELDORP (Gualdorp). GOUT/JUS, horn at Louvain in 155.'!, died in Cologne in 1(516 or 1018, Flemish school ; history and portrait, painter, pupil in Antwerp of Frans Francken the elder, afterwards of Frans Pourbus the elder. Entered the service of the Duke of Terra Nova, with whom he went to Cologne in 1571). His portraits are lively in conception, expressive, and finely coloured ; pictures mostly painted on wood. Works : Portrait of Jansenius, Aremberg Gallery, Brussels ; Christ on the Cross, Penitent Magdalen, Madonna (?), Portraits of Husband and Wife (1572), Male Portrait (Kill)), eight others, Cologne Museum ; Male Portrait (Kill), Weimar Museum ; do. (102S), and Female Portrait, Schwerin Gal- lery ; Lucretia, Male Portrait, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Portraits in Augsburg Gal- lery, Brera, Milan, Darmstadt ('2), Gotha (4), and Vienna Museums. His son, Melchior Geldorp (nourished 1020-40), also painted history and portraits. Allgem. d. Biogr., viii. 5:!1 ; Biog. nat. de Belgique, vii. 503 ; Kramm, ii. 558 ; Merlo, 128. GKLIBERT, JULES BERTRAND, born at BagiuTcs-de-Bigorre (Hautes-Pyrenees), Nov. 20, 1834. Animal painter, pupil of his father and of Toulouse Academy under Griffoul-Dorval. Medal, 1809; 2d class, 1883. Works: Wolf attacked by Dogs, Rallye-Sivry ! (1809); Exit from Kennel (1872); After the Hunt in Fontaiuebleau Forest (1873); Swamp near Belle Croix (1874); Young Hounds in the Thicket ; Hunting Episode in Scotland, New Ac- quaintances (1875); Sweet Repose (1878); Stag beating the Water, The Victors (1880); Rendez-vous, A First Experience (1881); Taken, In a Mass (1882); Wounded, Alert (1S83); Limehounds, Ready to Start (1884); Capture of a Young W T olf, Hearing the Dogs Attack (1885). Bellier de la Chaviguerie, i. 029. GELLKE. See Ctnuilc Lorrain. GEMMEL, HERMANN, born at Barten, East Prussia, in 1814, died in Konigsberg, March 22, 1808. Architecture painter, pu- pil of Bierinann and of W. Schirmer, be- came professor at the Konigsberg Academy in 1S45, and visited Italy in 1850 and 1855. Works : Family Hall in Medi;eval Castle (1855); Chapel of Cardinal Zeuo in St. Mark's ; Baptistery in St. Mark's, Venice. Allgem. d. Biogr., viii. 550 ; Dioskuren, 18(iS, 127 ; Brockhaus, vii. 741. GKNDRON, AL'GUSTE, born in Paris, March 17, 1817, died there, July 23, 1881. History and genre painter, pupil of Dela- roche, studied for several years in Italy after the old masters, to the detriment of his originality, and returned to Paris about 1847. Decorated St. Gervais, the Louvre, Palais dc Justice, Hotel Pereire. Medals: 3d class, 1840, 1855 ; 2d class, 1849 ; L. of Honour, 1855. Works : The Willis and Sylphids (1844); Boccaccio commenting upon Dante (1845); The Hone and Nereids (1840); St. Catherine buried by Angels, After Death (1847); Isle of Cythera, Aulic Scene (1848); Young Christian Girl con- verting her Lover (1849); Human Sacrifice by the Druids (1850), Nimes Museum ; Ve- netian Fantasy (1850); Tiberius on Isle of Capri (1852), Marseilles Museum ; Autumn Evening (1853); Florentine Sunday in 15th Century (1855), formerly in Luxembourg Museum ; Burial of Young Venetian Lady (1859); St. Catherine of Alexandria (1803); Nymphs at the Grave of Adonis (1804); Ti- berius at Capri, Marseilles Museum ; Man