Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/170

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GEUTNER John and Priscilla Aldon ; Artist's Dream ; American Tourists ; Pasture (late. GERTNER, JOHAN YILHELM, born at Nyboder, Copenhagen, May 10, 1818, died in Copenhagen, March 21), 1871. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy, painted at iirst also landscapes and interiors. Member of Copenhagen Academy in 1850 ; professor. Medal in 1843. Works : Thorvaldsen's Studio at Charlottenborg (1836), Shepherd driving his Flock (1838), Portrait of his Mother (184G), Copenhagen Gallery ; Portraits of Thorvald- sen (1840), Provost Trydes (184:5), Dahl, Eckersberg (1850), Count Moltke, Banker Gedalia (185'.)), King Frederik VII. (1801), Count FITS von Frysenberg ; The Two Friends. Weilbach, 200. GERUNG, MATTHIAS, born at Nord- lingen, Bavaria, flourished in Neiiburg, Lau- ingen, and Augsburg about middle of Kith century. German school ; history painter, perhaps pupil of Hans Burgkmair the younger. Works: Camp of Charles V. near LauingcH (1551), Town Hall, Lauingen ; Story of Paris, Destruction of Troy (1540) ; St. Lawrence, St. Cyriacus, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort; Justiciadormit (1543), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Series of Scenes from the Apoc- alypse (1544). Allgcm. d. Biogr., ix. 75 ; Kunstblatt (1841), 4:50 ; (1851), 4:51 ; Xa- gler, MOIL, iv. 569, 573 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., iv. 359. GEKVEX, HENRI, born in Paris in 1848. History and genre painter, pu- pil of Cabanel, Brisset, and Fro- inciitin. Medals : 2d class, 1874, 1870. Works: Satyr playing with a Bacchante (1874), Luxem- bourg Museum ; Diana and Endymion (1875) ; Autopsy in the Hospital, In the Woods (1876) ; Com- munion at Church of Trinity, My Friend -r Brispot (1877); Return from the Ball (1879); Souvenir of the 4th of December (1880) ; Civil Marriage (1881), Mayor's Office of 19th District, Paris ; Reservoir of La Villette (1882) ; The Department of Charities (1883); First Communion (1884) ; Meeting of the Jury on Painting (1885). GESELSCHAP, EDUARD, born in Am- sterdam, March 22, 1814, died in Dttssel- dorf, Jan. 5, 1878. Genre painter, pupil in Wesel of Welsch, then in 1834 -41 of Diisseldorf Acad- emy under Schadow. First painted romantic genre and history, after- wards scenes of do- mestic life, with great poetic charm, and soon ranked among the foremost artists of Diisseldorf. Member of Amsterdam Academy. Works : Faust in his Study (1839) ; Fiancee at Grave of her Lover (1840) ; Giitz von Berlichingeu before Council of Heilbroun (1842) ; Death of Val- entine (1844) ; Romeo and Juliet (1845) ; Entombment (1840) ; Herodias with Head of St. John (1847) ; Adoration of Magi, Finding of Body of Gustavus Adolphus (1848) ; Night Camp of Wallenstein's Sol- diers in Old Church (1849) ; Christmas Presents (1850) ; St. Nicholas' Eve (1852) ; Grandmother's Bible, Children's Bath on Saturday, Old Woman at Spinning Wheel, Grandfather rocking Grandson to Sleep ; St. Martin's Eve (18G2), Kunsthalle, Ham- burg ; Singing School (18G7), Musical Even- ing Party (1867), Maternal Joy (1868), Co- logne Museum ; Christmas Morn, Stockholm Museum ; Endangered Meal, Stettin Mu- seum ; Mother's Birthday ; Evening Service. Allgem. d. Biogr., ix. 86; Kunst-Chrouik, xiii. 258; Wolfg. Miiller, Dttsseldorfer Kstl., 272 ; Wiegmann, 304. GESSI, FRANCESCO, born in Bologna, Jan. 20, 1588, died in 1649. Bolognese school ; pupil of Calvaert and of Cremonini ; afterwards of Guido, whose assistant he was, 130