Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/178

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GILLISEN GILLISEN, KARL, born at Aachen, April 2:?, 1842. Military genre painter, pupil of Antwerp Academy under Nicaise do Keyser, and in Dilsseldorf of Hunteii; joined in 1804 the Belgian Corps for Mexico as a volunteer, returned in 180G, and took part in the campaign of 1870 in France. Works: Guerillas are Coming! (1870); Morning after Battle, Volunteer Nurses on Battle- lield ; Temporary Dressing ; Outposts near 1'aris ; Indians before Invasion of Mexican Estate; Prairie Hunters iu Flight. Miiller, GILLOT, r CLAUDE, born at Laugres, Haute-Marne, in 1073. died iu Paris, May 4, 1722. French school; genre paint- er and engraver, first instructed by his father, then pu- pil of J. B. Corneille in 1'aris. He was one of the first ar- tists in France to

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^j x i-./f v "^ ~1N- ^ >i' 3 -V,' Vv - paint conversation pieces, tragic and comic actors, satyrs and fauns, charlatans, mas- querades and balls. These paintings, clev- erly conceived, and executed with spirit and iaste, were for a long time the object of universal admiration, and led to his admis- sion into the Acadcmv in 1715. Works: Feast of Pan; do. ofBac- pi^ ^ chus, llaczyu- ^ / **** U '?/<> ski Gallery, Berlin ; do. of Diana disturbed by Satyrs ; the Milkmaid. Ch. Blanc, Kcole francaisc. GILMAN, Mrs. C. II., born at Steubeu- ville, O. ; contemporary. Flower painter, pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, later of Carol us Duran. Studied abroad from 1878 to 1882. Studio in Philadelphia. Work, Roses, T. B. Clarke, New York. GILPIN, SAWREY, born at Carlisle, England, Nov. 11, 1733, died at Brompton, March 8, 1807. Pupil of Samuel Scott, marine painter, London, but devoted him- self to painting of animals, especially horses. Exhibited in 1703-04 at the Society of Ar- tists, of which he was for a time president, portraits of horses ; in 1770, Darius obtain- ing the Persian Empire by the Neighing of his Horse ; and in 1771, Gulliver taking leave of the Houyhnhnms. In 1795 he became an A.R.A., and in 1707 R.A. His brother, Rev. William Gilpiu (1724-1804), was an amateur landscape painter and a writer on art; and his son, William Sawrey Gilpin, was a water-colour painter, and h'rst president (1804) of the Water Colour So- ciety. Redgrave; F. do Couches, 344; Ch. Blanc, Ecole anglaise ; Sandby, i. 310. GDHGNANI (Gemignaui, Giminiani, Geminiani), GIACINTO, born at Pistoja in 1G11, died in 1081. History painter, Ro- man school ; pupil at Rome of Nicolas Pous- sin, whom he followed in composition and design, and later in the school of Pietro da Cortona, whose style of colouring he adopt- ed. He painted in fresco in the Baptistery of S. Giovanni in Latcrauo, Rome, subjects from the life of Constantino. Works : Le- auder, Ariadne, Uffizi, Florence ; Rebekah at the Well, Palazzo Pitti, ib. ; two pictures / (j J miwu from life of St. John, S. Giovanni, Pistoja ; St. Roch, Duomo, ib. His son, Lodovico (l(i44-97), excelled in fresco ; also painted altarpieces. GINAIN, EUGENE LOUIS, born in Paris, July 28, 1818. Military and horse painter, pupil of Chariot and of Abel de Pujol. In 1840 ho followed the campaign in Algeria, and in 1840 one in Spain. Medals : 3d class, 1857, 1801 ; 2d class, 1803 ; L. of Honour, 1878. Works : Duo d'Orleans during the Campaign of Teniah (1841); Re- view in Champ de Mars (1849), Versailles Museum ; Colonel Daumas receiving the 138