Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/232

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GUTEIIBOCK Little Cat, Lover of Flowers, Lost Happi- ! Sail Francisco ; Making a Train, G. Whit- iiess, Peasant's Family (187G); Washing ney, Philadelphia; Spirit of 76 (1880); Statue of Venus ; Welcome (1878); Still Waiting (1882) ; See-Saw Margery Daw Life, Studio, Fruit-Seller, Portrait of Old j (1884). Sheldon, 05. Lady (1878); Two Old People (1880); Ar- GYARFAS, EUGEN, born in Hungary ; tilleryman's Story of the Battle, Ghent contemporary. Genre painter. Works : Museum. -Illustr. Zeitg. (1873), ii. 473 ; ! The First Tooth; Judgment at the Bier Midler, 227; Rosenberg, Berliner Maler- . (1883); Joys of Winter (1884). La Ilus- schule, 308 ; Leixncr, D. mod. K., i. 42 ; D. tracion (1884), i. 395 ; Kunst-Chrouik, xix. Rundschau, ix. 319 ; xiii. 328 ; Zeitschr., xv. j 351 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xix. 230. 45 ; xvi. 145. GYNECEUM (Le Gym-cue), Gustave Bou- GUTERBOCK, LEOPOLD, born in Ber- lanyer, Paris. The female apartments in a lin, died March 21, 1881. Genre painter, Pompeiian house. In a Corinthian atrium chiefly of historical and Oriental scenes, the mistress of the house, seated under an which he executed with humour and fine awning, watches her children at plaj', while colouring. Works : Scene from Gutz von her husband comes in at the background Berlichingcn ; Severe Lecture ; Drug-Store and is greeted by the dog, which runs to in llth Century; Old Toper; Recruiting meet him; around their mistress, maid- in Thirty Years' War ; Columbus at La Ra- servants drive away flies and water flowers, bida ; At City Hall of a German Town at Salon, 1875. the End of Thirty Years' War ; Forbidden GYSELS (Geysels, Gijzens, Gysen), PEE- Reading, Stettin Museum. Miiller, 227. TER, born in Antwerp, baptized Dec. 3, GUTHEHS, KARL, born in Switzerland 1021, died there in 1090 or 1091. Flemish in 1844. Portrait and genre painter, went school ; pupil of Jan Boots, perhaps also of to America with his parents in 1851, and Jan Brueghel the younger, but formed him- painted portraits at Memphis, Tcnn.; went self after Jan the elder; painted flowers, in 1808 to Paris, where he studied under fruit, and still life, also small landscapes. Cabasson, Pils, and at the Ecole des Beaux Master of the guild at Antwerp in 1050. Arts ; studied in Brussels and Antwerp in His works are distinguished for good com- 1870, and in 1871 went to Rome ; returned position and graceful treatment. Works : to Memphis in 1873, and moved to St. Louis Dead and Living Animals, Mr. Hope, Lou- in 1874. Works : Awakening of Spring don ; Dead Game, Marquis of Bute, ib. ; (1871); Ecce Homo ; Evening on the Nile ; do., Brussels Museum ; Still Life (last work), Sappho ; American Women. Many excel- i Antwerp Museum ; Game with Hunting Im- lent portraits. Miiller, 227. plements, Hague Museum ; do., Darmstadt GUY, SEYMOUR JOSEPH, born in ' Museum ; A Town, Amsterdam Museum ; Greenwich, England, Jan. 10, 1824. Genre ten pictures (landscapes and still life), Dres- painter, pupil of Buttersworth and of Am- den Gallery ; Dutch Village, Landscape, Ber- brose Jerome, English painters. Settled in lin Museum ; Windmill in level Country, New York in 1854 ; elected an A.N.A. in ' Old Pinakothek, Munich ; do., Schleissheim 1801, and N.A. iu 1805. Studio in New Gallery ; Breakfast Table, Schwerin Gallery ; York. Works : The Spring (1805); Sorrows " Fruit-piece, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. of Little Red Riding Hood ; Orange Girl ; Immerzeel, i. 300 ; Kramm, ii. 615 ; Mich- Fair Venice ; Supplication ; Knot in the iels, v. 378 ; Rooses (Reber), 416 ; Van den Skein ; The Gamut ; Children catching the ' Branden, 416. Bird; Little Sweeper, C. P. Huntington, G YSIS, NIKOLAUS, born in Isle of Tinos, New York ; Bedtime Story, T. B. Clarke, Greek Archipelago, March 1, 1842. History ib. ; Cash in Hand, First Up, T. M. Scott, j and genre painter, pupil of Munich Acad- 192