Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/237

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HAWAII after having visited, from 184I> to 18.">(;, England and Scotland, North America, Bra- zil, aud Australia. After three years in Mu- nich he spent one year in Italy, attracted especially by the ruins at Pola, Istria ; took part in the campaigns of 18<><> and 1S70, exhibited his works in Dresden for the ben- efit of the Albert Union in 187:5, and settled in Berlin in 1874. Works : Moonlight on the Coa-st (18;">8), Sclnvcrin Gallery ; several in Collection of Emperor of Germany. Schlie, 28. HAG All, DISMISSAL OF, Giterrii>, Brera, Milan ; canvas, H. '! ft. 8 in. < 5 ft. Abraham sending away Hagor. This picture was much admired by Lord Byron. Hagar, Dismissal of Hagar, Guefcino Brera, Milan her face red with weeping, holds her son by the hand and turns her eyes to the patriarch. Surah, in purple, is seen further back. Half- figures. Acquired in 1811 from Galleria Sampler!, ISologna. Engraved by It. Strange. HAGBO11G, AUGUST, boni at Gothen- burg, Sweden ; contemporary. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Stockholm Acad- emy and in Paris of Palmaroli. Medal. Paris, 3d class, 1870. Works : Spring Tide in La Manche (1879), Luxembourg Museum ; In the Cemetery of Tourville (188.'{); An Alarm (1H84); Preparation for Fishing, Fisherman's Daughter (1885) ; Fisherwoman, Charles Crocker, San Francisco ; First Quar- rel, J. A. Scuddcr, St. Louis. HAGEMANS, MAURICE ; contemporary. Landscape painter in Brussels. Works : March Sun near Chiinay ; Pond of Forge- Gerard ; Meadow with Birch Trees. HAGEN, BLANCA VOX, born in Bres- l:iu, Nov. 4, 1S4:>. Portrait and genre painter, studied in Berlin ami Dresden, then pupil in Munich of Benczur, and in Berlin of Gussow ; visited Italy and Paris, and settled in Berlin. Works : Wallachiaii Girl ; After Mass : On an Art Tour ; Hagar and Ishmael ; At the Sick-bed. - Miiller, 230. HAGKN, J011IS VAN DEIl (Verhagen), died at The Hague, burieil May 'J:!, IdCll. Dutch school: landscape painter, strongly intluenced by Kuvsdael. Settled at. The Hague in 1C>'2. and was one of tlie found- ers there, of the new painters' guild, 1'ir- tura, in 1 <!.">(">. His pictures are truthful in details, but the colouring is dark and heavy. Works: Two Landscapes, Louvre; View near Arnheim (I'il'.t), View in Guel- dres, Hague* Museum; View over Canals, Museum, Amsterdam ; Hilly Landscape with Felled Tree, Town Hall, ik ; Dutch Land- scape with Cattle, Berlin Museum ; Evening Landscape, IJiver Shore, Carlsruho Gallery ; Landscape with Stag-hunt (figures by Lingelbach), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Land- scapes ('_') willi Figures (by J. le Due), two others, Copcn- hagen Gallery. Allgem. d. Biogr., . :!:!'.> ; Burger, i. 1.11, -2C7 ; De Stuers, III. HAGKN, THKODOK, born at Diissel- d.,rf. May '21, 184'2. Landscajie ]>ainter. jiupil of Diisseldorf Academy under An- dreas and Karl Miil- ler, then of Oswald Achenbach ; trav- elled in Switzerland and the Tyred, be- ' came, in 1871, pro- fessor at, and in 1877 director of, the Weimar Art School ; re- signed his professorship in 1881. Works: . ^

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