Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/241

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HALLEZ belinsin 1771 ; director of the School of Art in Rome in 1775-77 ; Member of Order of St. Michael, 1777. Works : Delilah cutting Samson's Hair (17:54) ; Passage of the lied Sea (173(i) ; Dispute between Minerva and Neptune (1748), Fonhiinebleau ; Flight into Egypt (17;)!)), Archbishop Flavian interced- ing for Inhabitants of Antioch (1702), Or- leans Museum ; St. Vincent de Paul Preach- ing (17(il), Church of St. Louis, Versailles ; Ceiling of Baptistery, St. Snlpice, Paris; Autumn, Geniuses of Poetry, History, Phys- ics, and Astronomy (1701), Simon the Athe- man (1777); Cornelia, JJ Mother of the r' Gracchi (17711). Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. 7:57 ; Jal, 070 ; Larousse ; Lejeune, Guide, i. 238. HALLE/, G. J., born at Framcries, near Mons, July IS, 1761), died in Brussels, May IS, 1810. Genre and portrait painter, pu- pil of Mous Academy, where he won all the pri/cs ; in 1787 travelled through France, and after his return was called to Brussels to paint portraits of the Emperor of Austria and other high personages; in 17'.)(J was made professor at the central school of the Department Jemappes, and afterwards di- rector of Mons Academy ; settled in Brus- sels in 1831). Member of Antwerp Academy iu 1817. Works: Marshal Bcaulieu and Count van Zoou (1811) ; Young Mother and Child in Grotto ; Jupiter's Awakening ; He- turn (1813); Inundation Scene (I8;i:i) ; many portraits. Immerzeel, ii. 10. HALLMANN, ANTON, born at Hanover in 1812, died at Leghorn, Aug. 21), 1845. Architecture painter, and renowned archi- tect, pupil in Hanover of Hellner, then of Munich Academy ; in 18313 walked to Home, and in 1834 to Naples ; returned to Munich in 183'J, then went to St. Petersburg, and thence to London and Paris ; in 1841 re- turned to Rome, and in 1842 visited Dres- den. Works : Convent Garden near Fossa Nova (1841); Five pictures illustrating Song of Mignon (1842) ; Day in Cyprus (1843) ; Decayed Villa in Evening Light (1845). Brockhaus, viii. 738; Cotta's Kunstbl., 1840; Faber, vi. 350. HALS, D1KK, born in Haarlem before 1(10(1, died there, buried May 17, Hl'iil. Dutch school ; genre painter, brother and pupil of Frans the elder. His works, usu- ally representing soldiers, cavaliers, and women, eating, drinking, dancing, or listen- ing to music, were painted between 1020 and 1053. His st vie has some analogy with that of Peter de Hooch; the predominant tone is a cool grav, lending great harmony to the light colours ; only in his later works a warmer brownish tone is apparent. He painted figures in Dirk van Dcelcn's pictures. Works : Merry Party, National (lallerv, Lim- don; Assembly in a Park (about Kill!), Louvre, Paris ; Lady at the Piano, Mu- seum, Amsterdam; Five Senses (1(121), D. Franken, ib. ; Ball-Scene (1028, interior by Van Deelen), N. .J. W. Smallenburg, The Hague ; The Topers (11)27), Berlin Museum; Conversation-pieces (two 1030, one 1053), Figure of Kommelpotspeeler, Amalieiistit't, Dessau; Merry Party, Stuttgart Museum; Two Cavaliers and a Lady, Kunsthalle, Hani- burg; Assembly (1(122), Gallery, Copenha- gen ; Game at Draughts (1035), Count, Moltkc, il>. ; Assembly of Ladies and Gentle- men, Musical Party (attributed to A. Pala- medesx), Gotha Museum; Loving Couple, Flute Lesson (l(!4(i), Hausmann Collection, Hanover; Conversation-piece (1020), Peter von Scmenoff, St. Petersburg; do. (1028), Violoncello Player (attributed to J. leDucq), Academy, Vienna; Loving Couple on a Walk (1024), Game of Tric-trac, Assembly, Liech- tenstein Gallery, ib. ; Assembly in a Park (about Ki20), Josef von Lippmaim, ib. ; Lute Player (1020), formerly Gsell Collection, ib. ; Heading a Letter, Ber- gamo Gallery ; Festival, Metropolitan Museum, New York. Bode, Stu- I dien, 121, 613 ; Burger. Musces, ii. 121; Gaz. des. B. Arts (18C8), xxv. 3'JO ; Zahu, Jahrbucher, 1871.