Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/244

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HAMILTON or eldest son of James ; entered the service of the Elector of Brandenburg at Cleves in 1GG1, but seems to have immediately re- moved to Potsdam, whence, having resigned his position, he went to Vienna in 1G70, then entered the Bavarian service in 1083. Works : Dead (lame, Animal Life in the Woods (2), Snliwerin Gallery ; similar sub- jects (4), Aschaffenburg Gallery ; do. (4), Hchleissheim Gallery. Schlie, 235. HAMILTON, GAVIN, born at Lanark, Scotland, in 173(1, died in Home in 1707. History painter, master unknown ; wentearly to Italy, and resided in Rome most of his days. More noted for promotion of the line arts than as a painter, but left some good pict- ures, especially illustrations of the Iliad. Works : Achilles with the Dead Body of Pat- roclus ; Achilles parting with Briseis ; Achil- les dragging the body of Hector behind his Chariot ; Andromache weeping over Hector ; Apollo. About 1794 ho decorated an apart- ment in the Villa Borghese, Home, with the story of Paris. Redgrave. HAMILTON, HAMILTON, born in Mid- dlesex Co., England, April 1, 1847. Genre painter, self-taught. His family removed to America when he was an infant, and settled at Cowlesville, Wyoming County, N. Y. In 1872 he opened a studio in Buffalo and painted portraits ; in 1875 visited the Rocky Moun- tains and painted the Laramio Peaks (Cen- tennial Exhibition, 187<>), now in the Buf- falo Fine Arts Academy ; spent 1878 70 in Europe, chiefly at Pont Avon, Brittany ; re- turned thence to Buffalo, and removed to New York in 1881. Member of American Water-Colour Society, and New York Etch- ing Club ; elected A.N.A. in 18S(i. Works : The Peddler's Visit, The Sisters (1882) ; The Silver Line, Jump -Sir! Little Sunbeam, The Dreamer (1884) ; Interior at New Wind- sor N. Y., Farewell, Veiled Head (1885) ; Solitude, The Messenger (1880). Hitch- cock, American Etchings (New York, 1885). HAMILTON, JAMES, born in Ireland in 1819, died in 1878. Marine painter, taken to America as a child, studied first in Phila- 1 delphia ; spent 1854-55 in London, and after his return to Philadelphia furnished illustrations for Dr. Kane's Arctic Explora- tions and other works. Professional life passed in Philadelphia. Works : Egyptian Sunset ; Morning off Atlantic City, Mrs. C. S. Longstreet, New York ; Moonlight Scene near Venice ; Wrecked Hopes ; Old Iron- sides ; Escape of Smugglers, Capture of the Serapis, Mrs. D. D. Col ton, San Francisco ; Death of Steerforth, W. H. Fosdick, Louis- ville ; Wreck off the Coast, C. H. Wolff, Philadelphia ; Off Delaware Capes, J. W. Drcxel, New York ; Vision of Columbus, Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Philadelphia. HAMILTON, JEAN GEORGE DE, born at Brussels in 1GGG or 1(!72, died in Vienna in 1740 ('?). Animal and still-life painter, son and pupil of .lames (Scotch painter of fruit, and still life) ; painted many years in Brussels, then joined his brother Philip in Vienna ; later lived at the court of Ber- lin, but returned to Vienna after the death of Friedrich I. of Prussia, and became court- painter. Ho painted flowers, fruits, and in- sects, but especially horses with great skill. Works : Horses and Foals in Pasture (2), Im- perial Stud at Lipicxa (1727, with 72 horses painted from nature), Stag and two Roes in a Landscape, Boar-Head and Hunting Implements (1718), Vienna Museum; several in Summer Palace at Sehonbrunn, and in Gallery of Stift Kremsmiinster ; Dead Hare and Birds, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Dead Birds Suspended (2), Schleissheim Gallery ; White Horse Jumping (1703), Thoroughbred (1704), White Horse led by Negro, Sorrel led by Groom (1700), Dresden Gallery ; Dogs by Dead Game (3), Dead Bird and Insects (2), Bear-Hunt, Stuttgart Museum ; White Grouse in the Mountains, Zurich Gal- lery. His son and pupil, Anton Ignatz (bom iu Vienna in 1GOG, died at Hubertsburg, Saxony, in 1770), who painted the same sub- jects, entered the service of the Duke of Saxe- Weimar, and then became court- I painter to Augustus III., King of Poland , and Elector of Saxony. Kramm, ii. G35. 204