Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/255

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HASELTIXE speare before SirT. Lucy (1837); Covenant- er's Communion (IN III); Highland i'unenil (1844); Incident in Life of Napoleon (184:5); Bunyan in Bedford Gaol (1838); Mountain Pool (1867); (ileiiFiillocb(18(i ( .t); Dismiss- ing School (1871); Morning on Loch Avc, The Curlers (1873). Redgrave ; Wilmot- Buxton, 158; Art Journal (185(1), 341: (1858), 7:!. HASELTINE, WILLIAM STANLKY, horn in Philadelphia ; contemporary. Land- scape painter, pupil of Weber in Philadel- phia ; also studied in Diisseldorf. Lived and painted for many years in Venice and Koine. Elected X.A. in New York iu 18(11. but rarely exhibits. Works : Castle Rock Xahant, Calm Sea, Indian Rock Nahant. Jolni Taylor Johnston Collection, New York : Ostia, J. P. Morgan, ib. ; Coast of Capri, M. K. Jesup, ib.; Sicily, Natural Arch at Capri, Ruins of Roman Theatre (I87(i); Coast near Amalfi, Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. HASENCLKVER, JOHANN PETER, born at Rem- scheid, near So- lingen, May 18, 1810, died in Diisseldorf, Dec. It!, 185:5. Genre a n (1 portrait painter, pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy under Schadow ; went in 1838 to Mu- nich, and thence, with Preyer, in 1840. to Italy ; returned to Diisseldorf in 1842, and became famous through his humourous genre scenes from German burgher life. He was a member of the Berlin ( 184:5), Diissel- dorf, and Amsterdam Academies, and re- ceived a gold medal at Brussels. W< >rks : Hieronymus Jobs returning as Student (1837) ; do. at the Examination (1842), A Family Quarrel, New Pinakothek, Mu- nich ; Tasting Wine, Reading Room (184:5), National Gallery, Berlin ; Jobs as School- master, Portrait of Painter Preyer (184(>), Tasting Wine (18471, Portrait of Painter Hilgers (1850), do. of himself, .Jobs at the Examination (1851 ), do. as Night Watchman (1852), Ravene Gallery, ib. ; Gaming Table (1844); Labourer and Alderman (184!l); Division of the Prize (1850); First Visit to School (1852); Tasting Wine (185:5), Diis- seldorf Gallery. Allgeln. d. Biogr., x. 732 ; Kunstblatt (1854). 2; Faber, vi. 4S3; Illust. Xeitg. (188:5), i. 3:50; W. Miiller, Diisseldorf K., 27i;. HASKNPFLVG, KARL GKOUG ADOLF, born in Berlin. Sept. li:i, ISIIL', died at Halberstadt, April 13, 185S. Archi- tecture painter, pupil of Karl Gropius and of Berlin Acadcmv. His tirst large paint- ing, exhibited in Berlin and Dresden in 1823, excited much admiration. He re- turned to Halberstadt in 1*21!. and after 1837 painted chielly views of ruined con- vents and castles half buried in snow. Works: Cathedral in 15th < Yiitury ( 1823|; St. Severin's Church in Krl'nrt ; Convent Church in 12th Century, Gothic Cathedral, Medieval Castle (182(i 30); Interior of Co- logne Cathedral (1S.'!'J); Exterior of Same (1833); Erfurt Cathedral (1827). Halber- stadt Cathedral, Views in do. (18^8, IS:!!!). National Gallery, Berlin; Kloster Halle at Sunset (1840), Fiirstenberg Gallery, Donait- eschingcn ; Cloister in Winter ( is (II). Kunst- halle, Hamburg; Old Castle Yard (1852), Schwerin Gallery; Ruined Chapel, Stet- tin Museum ; Convents of Wallenried and Heisterbach. Allgem. d. Biogr., x. 710; Kunstblatt (185I1), 20 : Rae/ynski, iii. ^21. HASSELHOHST, HEINRICH, born in Frankfort, April 4, 1825. Genre and por- trait painter, pupil of Stiidel Institute ; in 1851 and in 1852-57 visited Italy, where he painted many copies after old masters, and scenes from Roman life. In 18(!0 he be- came professor at the Stiidel Institute, and later joined an expedition to the North Pole, which gave him subjects for many original paintings from Arctic life. Works : The First Child, Portia after Scene in Court (1851); Roman Barber in Theatre of Mar- si 5