Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/272

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HEINZ HEISS, JOHANN, born at Memmingen, Bavaria, in 1G40, died at Augsburg in 1704. History and landscape painter, pupil of Heinrich Schiinfeld and of Sichelbein. There are many altarpieces by him in the churches of Augsburg, Ratisbon, and Neustadt. Works : Scipio granting Liberty to Allucius (1079), Death of Dido, Neptune and Ve- nus, Hall with Antiques, Hall with Female Models, Brunswick Museum ; The Seasons personified, Wiesbaden Gallery ; Exodus of the Israelites (1077), Dresden Museum. HELEN, ancient pictures. See Etimelux, Zeuans. HELEN, RAPE OF, Benozzo Gozzoli, National Gallery, London ; wood, octagon, tempera, H. 1 ft. 7 in. x 2 ft. The wife of Menelaus carried off to a ship by Paris and Prague, studied at the Academy, and in 1590-94 was employed by Rudolph H., who made him court- painter and sent him to Italy. There he remained four years, studying es- pecially Paul Ver- onese, but after his return was strong- ly influenced by Johaim van Achen, Spranger, and Vel- vet Brueghel, his contemporaries at the im- perial court. Works : Rape of Proserpine, Dresden Gallery ; Leda, Artemisia with the Ashes of Mausolus, Augsburg Gallery ; Sa- tyrs and Nymphs (1599), Sehleissheim Gal- lery ; Herod ias, Venus Asleep, Venus and Adonis, do. and Nymphs (1G09), Crucifixion (2), Diana and Actteon, Portrait of Ru- dolph II. (1594), Vienna Museum; Portrait of Him- self, his Brother and Sis- ter (159G), - _ Berne Muse- tf um ; Cruci- O fi x i o n ('/), Schweriu Gallery. All- gem, d. Biogr., xi. CGI! ; Ftiessli, i. (!1 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 271. HEINX, JOSEPH, the younger, born about 1590, died in 1G55. German school ; son and pupil of Joseph the elder ; after- wards studied with his stepfather Gonde- his companions. Panel probably formed lacli in Augsburg. Fond of painting sor- the cover of a cassettone or box for wed- cerers and witches. Went to Italy, and ding gifts. Nat. Gal. Cat. lived mostly in Venice, where he painted I By Guido Reni, Louvre ; canvas, H. 8 ft. altarpieces. Urban VIII. made him knight 3 in. X 8 ft. 7 in. Paris, preceded by Cupid of the Golden Spur. Works : Two Marys and giving his hand to Helen, leads her to at Christ's Grave (1G55), All Saints' Chapel, the ship in which his companions are about Venice ; Diana Bathing, Venice Academy. to embark ; three women follow Helen, Allgem. d. Biogr., xi. GG4. bearing jewels and a dog ; in front, a little Rape of Helen, Guido Reni, Louvre.