Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/274

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IIELLEMANS 1512. Engraved by A. Meldolla ; Mochetti ; Volpato ; Friquet ; Amlerloni ; Baillu ; C. Maratti. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 345 ; Miintz, 300 ; Passavaut, ii. 130 ; Springer, 201 ; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 433 ; Perkins, 135. HELLEMANS, PETRUS JOANNES, born at Brussels in 17H7, died there in 1845. Landscape painter, pupil of Jean Baptiste de Roy ; good eolourist, painted trees with great pare. Works : Bois de Soignies, Mech- lin Museum ; do., and Mill, Brussels Musc- ouring is warm and transparent, treatment broad, figures well drawn and full of expres- sion. Works : Kirmess, Aremberg Gallery, Brussels ; Alchemist in his Laboratory, Rot- terdam Museum ; do., Copenhagen Gallery ; Interior, Farrier at Work, Lille Museum ; Drinker, Dunkirk Museum ; Kirmess, Douai Museum ; Shoemaker's Shop, Family Group, Brunswick Museum ; Peasants Drinking, Betrothal Feast, Peasant Weddings (2), Stockholm Museum ; Temptation of St. An- (I 1 - J fV-T Vj!y r . M-^-jSV.- Expulsion of Heliodorus, Raphael, Stanza d'Eliodoro, Vatican. um ; Landscapes in Gueldors (2, with figures by Eugene Yerboeckhoven), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Wood Landscape (1820), Leip- sic Museum. His wife, Jean Marie Joseph- ine (1796-1837), painted fruit and flowers. Immerzeol, ii. 26 ; Kramm, iii. 665. HELLEMONT (Helmont), MATTHEUS VAN, born at Antwerp, baptized July 24, 1623, died at Brussels. Flemish school ; genre painter, pupil of Teniers the younger ; visited Italy, and in Paris painted some of his best pictures for Louis XIV. Master of the guild at Antwerp in 1646, then at Brus- sels, having left Antwerp in 1674. His col- ' thony, Musical Party, Historical Society, New York. Immerzeel, ii. 28 ; Riegel, Bei- triige, ii. 127 ; Van den Branden, 1022. HELLEMONT, ZEGER JACOB VAN, born at Antwerp, April 17, 1683, died at Brussels, Aug. 21, 1726. History and genre painter, son and pupil of the portrait painter 230