Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/278

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11EMLING her, dated 1552, is in the National Gallery, London. Allgem. d. Biogr., xi. 720 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole ilamaude ; Cat. du Musee d'Anvers (1874), 472 ; Kramin, iii. 074 ; Rouses (Heber), <!8; Van den Brandon, 98. HEMLING. See Jfi'iiiliiiy. HEMPEL, JOSEF VOX, Hitter, born in Vienna, Feb. '.), 1800. History painter, pu- pil of Vicuna Academy under liodl ; went to Italy in 1821, studied in Florence and in Koine, where he was influenced by Over- beck, returned to Vienna in 1825, moved to Klagvnfurt in 1S48, where he founded the .school of design at the Lyceum, lived four years in Tyrol, then in Gratz, and in 1859 settled on an estate in Croatia. Works : Christ and the Woman of Samaria (1822) ; Entombment ; Jacob's Dream ; Flight into Egypt ; Kaising of Lazarus ; Trinity, and many other altarpieces for churches in Vi- enna and the Austrian provinces. Wurz- bach, viii. 405. HEMSEN. See Hcmix*;,. HEMY, CHARLES NAPIER, born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, May 25, 1841. Marine painter, pupil of School of Art at Newcastle ; entered Dominican monastery at Newcastle, whence he was sent to a branch at Lyons, France, but left when twenty-two years old and became a painter. In 1803 he became a

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student at Antwerp of Henri Leys, on whose death he returned to London. Works: The Shrine, London River, Liinehouse, Barge Builders, Blackball, and Chcync Walk (all exhibited in Royal Academy, 1872); Ves- pers (187!)) ; Cavalry (187!)) ; Saved (1880) ; Lobster Boat, Oporto, Rocky Shore, Mill in the Gloaming (1881) ; Oporto from Sandc- man Wine Lodges, Cinderella and lier Sis- ters (1882); Oyster Dredgers, Ferryman, Old Putney Bridge in 1882, Bargaining for the Catch, Cool of the Morning (1883) ; Tipping a Shrimp Trawl, The Trammel Net Catch (1884). Art Journal (1881), 225. HENDERSON, JOSEPH, born in Perth- shire, Scotland, in 1832. Marine and genre painter, pupil of Royal Scottish Academy at Edinburgh. Has resided since 1852 in Glasgow, where he became in 1863 a mem- ber of the Institute of Fine Arts ; in 1877 elected a member of the Scottish Water Colour Society. Began with portraits and genre pictures, but finally devoted himself with success to marine painting. Works : Where Breakers Roar (1874) ; A Lively Haul (1875) ; Weeding the Garden, Under the Sand-Hills (1878) ; From the Cliffs of Ailsa, Haymaking in the Highlands (187!)); Travelling Cobbler (1883). HENDRIKS, WYBRAND, born at Am- sterdam, June 24, 1747, died at Haarlem, Jan. 28, 1831. Portrait, landscape, and still-life painter, pupil of Amsterdam Acad- emy, where he won three prizes ; visited England, and having lived for several years at Eden in Gelderland, settled at Haarlem in 1780. Was very versatile, and made fine drawings after famous masters. Works : Female Portrait (1791), Male do. (1811), Hunting Party of Henry IV., view in Haar- lem, Haarlem Museum. Immerzeel, ii. 30 ; Kramm, iii. (!77. HENDSCHEL, ALBERT, born in Frank- fort, July 9, 1834, died there, Oct. 22, 1883. Genre paint- er, pupil of Stiidel Institute under Steinle and Passa- v a n t, then u n d e r Jacob Becker; vis- ited the principal galleries of Germany, and in 1809-70 Italy. Works : Hostess's Daughter ; Fiddler of Gemiind ; Cinderella ; Broken Pitcher ; Scenes from Gotz von Berlichingen ; Sketch- Book (1872-74); Coffee-Party; Wreath- Maker ; Judgment of Paris. Zeitschr. f. b. K., viii. 81 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1874), ii. 309 ; (1883), ii. 408 ; Land und Meer (1884), i. 127. HENGSBACH, FRANZ, born at Werl, Westphalia, in 1814, died in Diisseldorf, Feb. 25, 1883. German school ; landscape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Schirmer; - - , it--^-^ - !* 234