Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/288

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HERCULES HERCULES BETWEEN VICE AND VIRTUE, Annibale L'armwi, Naples Muse- 11111. Scene from allegory by Prodicus, pre- served by Xenoplion in the Memorabilia. Hercules, seated between two women, ap- pears irresolute ; Virtue, chastely clad, pre- sents a sword and points heavenward ; Vice, reclining upon a couch strewn with flowers, displays her charms and invites him to pleasure. Engraved by N. Mignard. La- ! roiisse, i. '214. By Jliiln:n,t, Uftizi, Florence. Hercules, seated in a landscape, with Venus on his right, and Cupid embracing his knees ; on his left, Minerva, who takes him by the hand and points to arms ; above, Time, bearing emblems of life ; the god, while turning his eyes toward the goddess of pleasure, appears ready to follow Minerva. Larousse, ix. 214. HERCULES LED BY WISDOM, Paolo I'arniiivi; Hope Collection, London ; canvas. Hercules, emblematical of strength, is led by Wisdom, and gazes tranquilly on worldly Love, who is at his feet. From Orleans Gallery ; sold in 1793 for 1300. Cab. Cro- zat, ii. PI. 24 ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 113, 498. HEUDTLE, HERMANN, born in Stutt- gart, Sept. 20, 1810. Landscape and archi- tecture painter, pupil of Stcinkopf; studied from nature in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland, and with Pieter Francis Peters founded a permanent art- exhibition in Stuttgart. Works : Palace Interior in Florence, Court-Yard in Verona, Lake Lugano, all in Villa llosenstein, near Stuttgart ; View of Lake Constance ; View of Bregeuz, Castle Friedrichshafcn ; Was- sen on St. Gothard ; Misocco Valley ; Bel- linzona ; Canal Grande with Rialto Bridge ; View in Villa Borghese. Miiller, 252. HEREAU, JULES, born in Paris, Aug. 21), 1830 (1831 ?), died June 20, 1879. Land- scape painter, especially skilful in painting animals, but his landscapes and city views are of great merit. Medals: 18G5, 1868. Works : Shepherd and the Sea (18G4), Mont- pellier Museum ; Impending Storm (1865), Amiens Museum ; Shepherd's Song (1866), Rouen Museum ; Gathering Seaweed in Brittany, Snow-Storm in Paris (1868); The Thames near London Bridge, The Thames at Gravesend (1873) ; The Meuse at Rotter- dam (1874) ; Mouth of the Seine, the Meuse (1879); Returning (1880). L'Art (1879), xviii. 24 ; Bellier, i. 761. HERILLUS, painter. See Erillus. HERING, GEORGE EDWARDS, bom in London in 180(5, died there, Dec. 18, 1879. Landscape painter, studied in Mu- nich (1829) and in Italy, settled in London (1841), and exhibited often at Royal Acad- emy. W T orks : Morning on Lake Lugano (18(50) ; Amalfi (1805) ; Head of the Glen (1808); Old Red Sandstone Cliffs (1869); Sunset after a Storm (1872) ; Outskirts of a Wood (1873) ; Kildonan (1875) ; Woodland Waters (1876) ; Tormorc (1877) ; Loch Etive (1878) ; By the Lonely Tarn (1879) ; Loch Etive near Taynuilt (1880). Amer. Art Re- view (1880), 180 ; Art Journal (1801), 73 ; (1880), 83. HERKOMER, HUBERT, born at Waal, Bavaria, May 26, 1849. Genre, land- scape, and portrait painter ; came to America in 1851 with his father, a wood- carver, but returned in 1857 to Europe, and settled at South- r J ampton, where he entered the school of art ; in 1805 visited Munich, and in 1866 entered the South Kensington Schools under Frederick Walker. Member of Institute of Water Colours in 1871, A.R.A. in 1879. Settled in 1873 at Bushey, Hertfordshire, where, in 1881, he established an art- school. Revisited America in 1882, painted many portraits in New York and Boston, and lectured in both cities. Visited America again in 1883 and 1885, when he opened a studio in Boston. Elected Slade professor of art at Oxford, as successor of John Ruskin, 242