Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/29

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CYCLOPEDIA PAINTERS AND PAINTINGS EAKINS, THOMAS, born in Philadel- phia, Pa., in 1844. Portrait and genre painter ; pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, of J. L. Gi'rome, Loon Bonnat, and of A. A. Duinont, sculptor. At present professor of painting at Pennsylva- nia Academy. Studio in Philadelphia. Works in oil : William Rush carving his Allegorical Representation of the Schuylkill ; Surgical Clinic of Professor Gross in Jeffer- son College, Jefferson Collection ; Portraits of Dr. Brin ton and Professor Rand ; Chess- Players (1878), Metropolitan Museum, New York; Professional at Rehearsal, T. B. Clarke, New York ; Pair-Oared Shell (1870) ; May Morning in the Park (1881), Fairnmn Rogers, Philadelphia ; Mending the Net, Shad Fishing at Gloucester on the Dela- ware (1882) ; Singing Girl (1883). Water- colours : Whistling for Plover, Base-Ball (1876). EARL, RALPH, born at Lebanon, Conn., about 1751, died at Bolton, Conn., in 1801. History and portrait painter, self-taught Was at first an itinerant portrait painter ; went with the Governor's Guard to Lexing- ton and Cambridge, and painted from sketches made at the time four scenes of the battle of Lexington, engraved by Amos Doolittle, which are believed to be the first historical compositions by an American ar- tist. Went to London after the war and studied under Benjamin West, but returned to America in 178(>. Among his works are a large picture of the Falls of Niagara, and portraits of George III., Roger Sherman, Judge Ellsworth, Colonel George Willis, Dr. Dwight of Yale College, and Governor Strong. His son, Augustus Karle, history and marino painter, fellow-student at Royal Academy in 1813 with C. R. Leslie and S. F. B. Morse, was known from his roving disposition as the "wandering artist." James Karle, portrait painter (died in Charleston, S. C., in 1700), was perhaps a brother of Ralph. Bryan (Graves), 451 ; French, Art in Connecticut (Boston, 1870), 32. EASTLAKK, Sir CHARLES LOCK, born at Plymouth, Eng., Nov. 17,1703, died in Pisa, Italy, Dec. 24, 18G5. History paint- er, pupil in London of Haydon and of Royal Academy ; ex- hibited at British In- stitute, in 1813,Christ raising the Daughter of the Ruler of the Synagogue. Went to Paris in following year to copy pictures in Louvre, but the escape of Napoleon from