Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/295

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IIEHSIUA the Arms of Chactas (1800) ; Fcnelon taking back a Cow to some Peasants (18 10) ; Pas- sage of the Bridge of Laiulsliut by Count Lobau (1810), Versailles Museum ; Las Ca- sas taken care of by Savages when Sick (1814) ; Death of Dr. Bichat (1817) ; Louis XVI. helping the Poor in the Winter of 1788 (1817), Duke of Bordeaux in his Cra- dle, Versailles Museum ; Daphnis and Chloe (1817) ; The Abdication of Gustavus Vasa (1811), destroyed in 1848) ; Ruth and Boa* (1822) ; Monks of St. Gothard helping Fam- ilies robbed by Brigands (1824) ; Henry IV. of France (1827), Grand Trianon, Versailles. Bellier, i. 703 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole franyaisc ; Ga/.. des B. Arts (1800), viii. 128 ; Larousse; Meyer, Gesch., 174. HEKSILIA SEPARATING ROMULUS AND T ATI US, (lucrcinn, Louvre ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 3 in. x 8 ft. 9 in. Hersilia, holding the arm of Romulus, looks entreatiugly at her father, whose hand, armed with a sword, is arrested by a Sabiuc ; in background Romans and Sabincs lighting. Painted in 1045 for the Marquis de La Vaillirre. Yil- lot, Cat. Louvre. HERST, AUGUSTE CLEMENT, JACQUES, born atRoeroy (Ardennes), Aug. 28, 1825. Landscape painter ; chiefly known by his water-colours. L. of Honour, 1874. Works : Storm on the Coast of Africa, Sun- rise at Rotterdam, Old Bridge in Holland (1874) ; Valley of Sallanches, Forest Border (1875) ; Low Tide, Spring (1870) ; View near Dordrecht, La Barre Africa (1877) ; Interior of Farm-Yard, Chartres Museum. Bellier, i. 704. HERTEL, ALBERT, born in Berlin, April 1'J, 1843. Landscape painter, pupil of Berlin Academy, and one of the foremost Prussian colourists. Professor at Berlin Academy in 1875. Works : Capri ; Via Flamiuia near Rome ; View of Cape Porto- fino ; After Storm on Coast of Genoa (1878), Northern Coast Scene (1883), National Gal- lery, Berlin ; Repose in Egypt, Breslau Mu- seum ; Ulysses and the Sirens ; Heights of A nti mna ; Olive Harvest in Capri ; Summer Evening by Brandenburg Gate ; Genovcse Still Life (1879). MtUler, 254 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 344 ; Zeitsdir. f. b. K, six. 04. HERTEL, KARL, born in Breslau, Oct. 17, 1837. Genre painter, pupil of Diissel- dorf Academy under Wilhelm Sohn ; visited the art centres of Germany, and after set- tling in Diisseldorf made annual trips to Belgium and Holland. His well-coloured pictures show genuine feeling. Works : Boys at Play ; Departure of Laudwehr ; The Two Friends; Young Germany (1874), Na- tional Gallery, Berlin; replica, and Young Wounded Soldier playing on Violin (1*72), Leipsic Museum ; Dutch Coast Scene (1883). HERTERICH, HANS, born at Ansbach, Bavaria, in 1843. Historical genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Philipp Foltz, and of Piloty ; afterwards studied in Koine, where ho painted scenes from renais- sance and rococo time. Works: Ingeborg at the Sea ; Frederic with the Bitten Check ; Not at Home (1870). Illustr. /eitg. (1*71 I, ii. 522 ; (1877), ii. 405. HERXOG, HERMANN, born in Bremen. Nov. 15, 1832. Landscape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Schirmer ; vis- ited repeatedly Norway, Switzerland, Italy, and the Pyrenees, of which countries he has painted numerous mountain landscapes ex- cellent in drawing and pleasing in colour- ing. In 180!) he came to America, and set- tled in Philadelphia. Works: Festival at Unspunnen, Switzerland (1802) ; Norwegian Fjord ; The Wetterhorn ; Twilight in the Alps ; Lauterbrunn Valley ; Norwegian Waterfall ; Views in Yoscmite Valley ; Nor- wegian Landscape, Gotha Museum. Miil- ler, 255. HESS, EUGEN, born in Munich, Juno 25, 1824, died there, Nov. 21, 1802. Genre painter, son and pupil of Peter Hess, and student in Munich Academy. Travelled with his father (183!)) in Northern Ger- many, Poland, and Russia. Early gained repute by bis works, and in 1849-50