Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/299

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HKi'srii of Jan Jozef Horemans, the elder, and of Peeter Snyers ; went in 1730 to Paris, where he won several medals (1730, 1731, 1732); painted chiefly grisailles. Works : Coat of Anns of Abbey Saint-Michel, do. of Abbot Jacques Thomas, Prudence, Justice, Force, Instruction in Perspective (1701), Antwerp Museum. Cat. du Musec d'Anvers (1874), 149; Van den Branden, 1214. HEUSCH, GUILLIAM (Willem) DE, born at Utrecht in 10?, died in 10!!) (1712V). Dutch school ; landscape painter, said to have studied in Italy under Jan Both, whom he imitated. Dean of guild in Utrecht in 104!). Works : Road with Shep- herd and Herd (102!>), Dresden Gallery ; Landscape with Cattle and Shepherds ( 101)11), Louvre ; Italian View with Waterfall, Rotter- dam Museum ; Italian Landscape. (3), Am- sterdam Museum ; do. (2), Hague Museum ; Mountainous Landscape, Cassel Gallery ; do., Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; do., Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Evening Landscape with Ruin, Vienna Museum ; others in Brunswick, Frankfort, Copenhagen, and Stockholm Gal- leries. Cli. Blanc, Kcolc hollandaiso ; Im- merzeel, ii. 30 ; Kramm, iii. (580 ; Do Stuers, 47 ; Riegcl, Beitriige, ii. 371. HEUSCH, JACOB DE, born at Utrecht in 1(557, died in Amsterdam in 1701. Dutch school ; landscape painter, nephew and pupil of Guilliam de Heusch, whom ho imitated ; went to Italy, where he studied from nature and the works of Salvator Rosa. His pict- ures so clearly resembled those of his uncle that tho members of tho Schilderbcnt in Rome called him Affdruck (copyist). Land- scape pleasing, colour good, composition <T dU well distributed, enlivened with figures and animals. Works : Ponte Rotto in Rome (1090), Brunswick Museum ; Landscapes (2, 1G99), Landing- Place on a Lake (1(599), Vienna Museum ; Mountainous Landscapes (2), Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Immer/.eel, ii. 37 ; Quelleuschriften, xiv. 42!) ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 4 115. HEL'SS, EDr.VRD VAN, born at Oggers- heim, Rhenisli Palatinate, in 180s, died iu ISSO. History and portrait painter ; studied in Munich and Koine, where! he joined the artistic circle of Cornelius and companions, and was on intimate terms with Thorwald- sen. On his travels afterwards through Holland, Paris, and London lie was much influenced by Rubens and Rembrandt. Painted more than eighty portraits, many lit'e-si/.e, of reigning princes, dignitaries, and representatives of science and arl, among them Thorwaldsen and Overbeck. Works : Rape of Europa ( 1832), Darmstadt Museum; Annunciation, Mater Amabilis, Mater (llori- osa. Mater Dolorosa, Mater Salvatoris, New Piuakothek, Munich. Kunst-Chronik, 048. HEYDEX. AUGl'ST DOR) VON, born in Hreslau, June 13, 1827. History painter, pupil in Berlin of Stell'eck, and in Paris of Gleyre and Couture ; won the gold medal, and after- wards repeatedly visited Italy to study the mon- umental painting of the Renaissance. Works : St. Barbara as Patron Saint of Miners (1804 ) ; Lulhi-i- and Frundsberg before the Imperial Diet, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg; Lu- ther in Wittenberg ; Arion on Waves of the Sea (1808), Berlin Opera-House ; Wooing of French Ambassador for Princess ('lenience (1809) ; The Siesta, The Fairy-Tale (1870) ; Festive Morning (1870), National Gallery, Berlin ; Happy Times, The Anglers, Ride of the Walkyries (1872) ; Leucothea, Martyr at the Stake, (Edipusand the Sphinx, Olof's Wedding Ride (1878) ; Fresco paintings iu I Ami', THKO- V.V)