Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/307

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HILLS Honorary member of St. Petersburg Acad- ' Greek Painting (1840-50), St. Petersburg emy. Works : Petruchio (1800) ; Before Museum ; Herodotus ut the Olviiipian the Tournament (18(i8) ; The Armourer ami Games, Emperor Augustus as Protector of the Glee Maiden (1872); Munchausen (1873); Arts, Maximilianeum, Munich. Nagler, Wanderiugsof Charles Edward Stuart (1874.); Mon.. ii. 1057 ; Rcber-Peeht, ii. 57. Manager's Troubles (1875); Incident in HILTON. WILLIAM, born at Lincoln, Early Life of Louis XFV. (1877) ; Summons June :), 1781!, died in London, Dec. IUI, from the Invisible Judges (18711) ; Ich Uien !:{'.). Sou and pupil of William Hilton, (1881); Last D.iys of Sir Philip Sidney portrait painter (died 1822); also studied (1882); The Duke's Musicians (1881!) ; In with Raphael Smith, mcx/.otint engraver, Presence (1884). ami in 1800 in school of Royal Academy. HILLS, ROBERT, born at Islington, Became an exhibitor in lS(i:i, A.R.A. in 1M:1, June 20, 1709, died in London, May 14, R.A. in isl'.i, and keeper in lsi'7. He won 1844. Animal and landscape painter, pupil distinction as a subject painter, his works of Gressc ; first exhibited at the Royal Acad- being marked by retined taste in design, einy in 1791, and was one of the founders and bv rich and harmonious colon rim.', of the Society of Painters in Water Colours though they have much depreciated, owing in 1804, subsequently its secretary; some- to the excessive use of asphaltum. Though times worked conjointly with Robson and his skill was recogni/.ed by the profession, Barret. Works: Deer in a Landscape, his art, was not popular, and want of en- Broken Plough (1804), Landscape with couragement weighed heavily upon him. Cattle (1807), Ox Team (1810), Wild Boars Works: Serena rescued by Sir Calcpinc in a Wood (1820), Stags in Knole Park (Faerie Queen, vi. 8; 18:51), Edith discov- (1827), Cows and Sheep, South Kensington ering the Dead Body of Harold (18:54), Cu- Museum. Redgrave, 211. pid Disarmed (iK-j.Si, Meeting of Abraham's KILTENSPERGER, JOHANN GEORG, Servant wiih Rebecca (1838), National Gal- born at Haldenwang, Bavaria, Feb. 2'2, 1800. lery, London ; Rape of Ganymeile (bsis), History painter, pupil of Munich Academy Christ crowned with Thorns (1825), Royal under Peter von Lauger, then of Diisseldorf Academy, ib. ; Venus seeking Cupid at the Academy under Cornelius, with whom, in Bath of Diana, Sir Richard Wallace ; Rape 1825, he returned to Munich. King Louis of Europa (181S), Earl of Egremont ; Cruci- soon after sent him to Naples and Pompeii, fixion (1827), Liverpool Institution ; Trium- to study antique painting, and after his re- phal Entrv of Duke of Wellington into turn he executed a large number of deeo- Madrid; Portrait of Keats. National 1'or- rative works in the Konigsbau. In 1840-50 trait Gallery, London. Redgrave; F. de he painted a cycle of pictures in the St. Pe- Conches, 4:50; Ch. Blanc, Kcole anglaise ; tersburg Museum, became professor at the Sandby, i. U02. Munich Academy in 1851, and afterwards HILVERDINK, JOHANNES, born at received extensive orders for the decoration Gri'mingen, Jan. 28, 181:5. Landscape ami of the Maximilianeum. Works : Duke Al- marine painter, pupil of Daiwaille, and of brecht refusing Crown of Bohemia, Arcade Amsterdam Academy under Pieneman, vis of Royal Garden, Munich; twenty-seven ited Belgium, Germany, and the coasts of Scenes from Comedies of Aristophanes, the Mediterranean, won several medals with Scenes from Hesiod's Poems, Illustrations his marines, and became member of Amster- to Homer's Hymns, Cycle from Ulysses, dam Academy in 1852. Works : Coast of Konigsbau, Munich ; Pegasus and the Hours, England, Pavilion, Haarlem; Calm Sea, Apollo and the Muses, Royal Theatre, Mu- Museum Fedor, Amsterdam; After the nich ; eighty-six Scenes from History of | Storm ; The Y near Zeeburg, His son and