Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/317

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HOLBEIN or Dig, matriculated in 1519, when he joined 1538 and 1517. Works: Head of the Vir- the painters' guild. Two years before, lie gin (1514), do. of a Saint, Christ on Mount decorated the house of Jacob von Harten- of Olives, Taking of Christ, I'ilate washing stein at Lucerne with frescos no longer ex- his Hands, Lust Supper, Flagellation, Writ- tant (copies in Lucerne Library). His fres- ing Lesson, A School, Portrait of Burgo- cos in the City Hall at Basle were painted master Jacob Meyer and Wife ( 151(1), Basle in 1521-22, and The Passion, in the Basle Museum; Portrait of H. Herbster (151(i), Museum, about the same time. It is pos- Baring Collection, London ; Hurtenstein sible that Holbein made a short visit to House Frescos (15P.M, Lucerne; Frocks, Northern Italy before 1523, when he painted Town Hall, Basle (1521 -3d); Designs for the tine portrait of Erasmus at Longford glass windows, Adam and Fve (1517), /-">' Castle, which the great humanist sent to Sir Supper, 8 Scenes from Passion, Dead Christ Thomas More in 1525 as a specimen of the 0521 ), Christ, crowned with Thorns, Mater painter's ability and as a recommendation Dolorosa, Fragments (7) of Frescos in Town to his patronage. Probably in September, Hall, Basle Museum; Birth of Christ, and 152(>, Holbein visited Antwerp to see Quiii- Adoration of Magi, Cathedral. Freiburg in ten Massy s, and spent some time there, after Breisgau ; SS. (leorge and I'rsula, Altar- whichhe went to England, where Sir Thomas wings (1522). Carlsruhe (Jallery ; Madonna More lodged him in his own house near Lon- find Saints (1522), Solothurn (iallerv; .)///- don. There he painted the Chancellor and ilmnm of Burgomaster Meyer ( 152(1), Prin- his family (original lost, sketch in Basle cess Charles of Hesse, Darmstadt ; do., copy Museum), and many tine portraits. From with changes. Dresden (iallerv; Mule Por- August, 1528, Holbein lived at Basle until trait ( 1515 '!}. Darmstadt Museum; Portrait, 1532, when he returned to England, where, of B. Amerbach (151'.ii. Basic Museum ; do. despite the earnest invitations of the magis- of Domherr Angerer (15111), aii'l three oth- trates of Basle, he remained, with the ex- ers, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck ; Portraits of cej)tion of a visit in 1538, during the rest Erasmus, Longford Castle, England (152:!), of his life. At what time Holbein became Louvre and ('2} Basle Museums, Parma Gal- painter to Henry VUL is not known (1530?), lery ; Portraits of Man and Wife (1525), but probably not until after the death of Vienna Museum; //<//* Corintliiaea (152(1), Anne Bolcyn, whoso successor, Luly Jane do. as Venus with Cupid, Holbein's Wife Seymour, he represented in the family pict- with two Children, Male Portraits (4), Basle lire of the two Henrys, which was burned Museum ; Archbishop Warham ( 1527), Laiu- at Whitehall in 1<>',)8. (Copy at Hampton both House ; duplicate, Louvre ; Male Por- Court.) In March, 1538, when Holbein is trait, do. (15271, Thomas (lodsalve and his first mentioned as the recipient of a quar- Son John (1528), Dresden (Iallerv; Sir H. terly salary from the king, he was sent to (iuilford, Windsor Castle ; Nicholas Krat/er, Brussels, and then revisited Basle. In An- ' and Sir Henry Vyatt, Louvre; Sir Bryan gust, 1539, Henry again sent him to Flan- Tuke, Grosveuor House, London : do.. Old ders to paint Anne of Cleves (Louvre). The Pinakothek, Munich; Hans of Antwerp, wonderful series of H!) portraits in red chalk Goldsmith (1532), Windsor Castle ; George and India ink by Holbein in the royal col- Gis/r (1532), two others ( 1533, 1541), Ber- lection at Windsor arc in themselves suf- lin Museum ; Artist's Family. Portrait of a ficient to stamp him as one of the greatest Lady, Male Portraits (3), Cassel Gallery; of all masters in portraiture. As a designer The Ambassadors (1533), Lord Radnor, he shines most brightly in the wood cuts of Longford Castle ; Derick Born (1530), Old the Dance of Death, executed by Hans Pinakothek, Munich ; do. (1533), Windsor ; Lutzelburger, and published at Lyons in Deryck Tybis (1533), Vienna Museum ; Kob-