Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/319

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HOI. LAND Committed (1878) ; Gifts of Fairies, Daughter of the House, Absconded (187'.)) ; Home Again (1881) ; Did you ever kill Any- body, Father? (1884) ; and many portraits. Meynell, 1(57; Art Journal (1870), 'J; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xviii. 4!)8. HOLLAND, JAMES, born at Burslem, England, in 1800, died in London in 1S70. Landscape and flower painter ; went to Lon- don in 181'J, and devoted himself to flower painting, but after a visit to Paris in 18I51 took up landscape painting. He made many sketching tours on the Continent, and ex- hibited at the Royal Academy, the Society of Painters in Water Colours, and the So- ciety of British Artists, of the last two of which he was a member. Works : Nymwe- gen, Near Blackheath, and several in water colours, South Kensington Museum ; Port, of Genoa, Liverpool Gallery ; Interior of Milan Cathedral, Tomb of the Scaligers at Verona, St. Mary's Chapel at Warwick, Views in Venice ((!), Gresham College ; Greenwich Hospital, Bridgewatcr Gal- lery. HOLLAND, Sir NATHANIEL DANCE, Bart., born in London in 17:54, died at Carnborough House, near Winchester, Oct. 15, 1811. Heal name Nathaniel Dance, son of George Dance, architect ; took name of Holland on his marriage with a wealthy widow in 171)0, was an M. P. for many years, and created a baronet in 1800. Pu- pil in art of Frank Hayinan ; spent eight or nine years in Italy, and on his return won success as a painter of portraits and of his- torical subjects. In 1708 he was one of the foundation members of the Royal Academy. Works : Portraits of Earl Camden, Lord Clive, Arthur Murphy, Lord North, National Portrait Gallery, London. Redgrave ; F. de Conches, 311. HOLLTNS, JOHN, born in Birmingham, June 1, 1798, died in London, March 7, 1855. Subject and portrait painter ; went in 1822 to London, where, with the exception of two years spent in Italy (1825-27), he was a con- stant exhibitor. Elected aii A.R.A. iu 1842. Work : Lord Tenterden, National Portrait Gallery. London. Cat. Nat. Port. Gal. HOLM, PER DANIEL, born at Malmgs- bo, Dalecarlia, Sept. 11, Ifs:i5. Landscape painter, pupil of Nils Anderson and of Stockholm Academy, where in 1S02 he re- ceived a medal ; visited the north of Scan- dinavia in 1804, and later, Diisseldorf, Mu- nich, Carlsruhe, where lie studied under Glide, and Paris. Works: View of Qvick- jock in Lapland ; Sag^atsen in Lapland ; From the MI nil i tains (if West mankind (IKO'.l), Stockholm Museum. Miiller, 'J04. HOLMBEKG, AUGUST, born in Munich, Aug. 1, 1S5I. Genre painter, pupil of the Munich Academy under Wilhelm Die/, vis- ited subsequently Berlin. Dresden, and Vi- enna, in 1ST.") Italy, and in 1878 Paris. His genre pieces are well composed and coloured. Works: Huntsman's Still Life; Windmill in a Storm ; Difference of Opinion (18715) ; Choir in a Church at Florence. Tobacco College of Frederick William I. (1S7!)) ; The Recovered Monogram (18NO). Miiller, 204; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xviii. 40:5. HOLSTEYN, COKNKLIS, born at Haar- lem about 1020. Dutch school ; history painter, son and pupil of Pieter (glass painter and engraver, born in Schleswig about 1580, died in Haarlem in 11)02); flour- ished in Amsterdam about 1051, and was dean of the guild at Delft in 1001-02. Works: Triumph of Bacchus; Lycurgus making his Nephew his Heir, Orphan Asy- lum, Amsterdam ; Pyramus and Thisbe, Parable of the Vineyard (1047), Haarlem Museum ; Bath-room, Cassel Gallery ; Angel commanding St. Philip to baptize Queen Candace's Chamberlain, Schleis.sheim Gal- lerv. Immer/eel, ii. 40 ; Kramm, iii. 714 ; Vail der Willigcn, 17!t. HOLY CONVERSATION. See Santa Conversazione. HOLY FAMILY, Mariotto Alt-rtinelli, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; wood, round, 2 ft. in. diameter. The Virgin kneeling in adoration ; Jesus lying on ground, receiving a cross from a kneeling angel ; in back- 8TJ