Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/326

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HOLY right, infant St. John kissing the foot of the child ; behind him, Joseph restraining him with one hand ; at left, St. Catherine, mak- ing a gesture as if of silence. Bought in 1(554 by Cardinal Leopoldo do' Medici, from collection of Paolo del Sera, Venice ; placed in Uffizi in 17!)8. Lasinio, Gal. de Florence, i. PI. 71 ; Ridolfi, Marav., i. 325 ; Molini, Gul. di Firenzc, ii. 85 ; Soc. Ed. and Paris, Gal. di Firenzc, PI. 83. Attributed to Leonardo da Vinc.i, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg ; wood, H. 1 ft. 8 in. x 1 ft. 3 in. Composition similar to the llfa- (loniin of the Bas-relief, but infant St. John is omitted, and a young woman reading takes the place of Zacharias. This young woman is commonly called St. Catherine ; it is probably a portrait of the sister-in-law of Leo X., who became the wife of Giulio de' Medici in 1518. Painted after 1490 ; belonged to Dukes of Mantua, and was lost when their palace was pillaged by the Ger- mans. About 1770-77 it came into posses- sion of Abbe Salvador!, secretary of Count Firmian, then Governor of Mantua. He concealed it, lest he should have to return it to the palace, and after his death it was sold by his heirs to agents of Catherine H. - Heaton, 2:i2 ; Rigollot, Hist, des Arts, etc., i. '272 ; Kugler, ii. 283 ; Gal. dc 1'Hermitiige ; Vasiiri, ed. Mil., iv. G3. HOLY FAMILY DEL BACIXO, or DELLA CATIXA (of the Basin), Giulio Ilomann, Dresden Gallery ; wood, H. 5 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. The Virgin, three-quarters length, standing, holding Jesus, who stands in a basin, into which the infant St. John is pouring water from a vase ; at left, St. Eliza- beth with a towel ; at right, in background, head of St. Joseph. Painted for Duke Fed- erigo of Mantua, who gave it to his mistress, Isabella Buschetta ; purchased from Modena by Augustus III. Engraved by M. Ferry ; G. G. Hipart. Vasari, ed. Mil., v. 545 ; Hiibner, Dresden Gallery, i. 2 ; Morelli, 212 ; W. & W., ii. G77. HOLY FAMILY WITH THE BEARD- LESS JOSEPH (Joseph imberbe), Raphael, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; wood, trans- ferred to canvas, H. 2 ft. 3 in. x 1 ft. 9f in. Figures half-length. The Virgin seated in a marble hall, with Jesus on her knee ; St. Joseph standing near, resting both hands upon a staff; on the right, a landscape through an arched window. Painted in 150G probably for Guidobaldo da Monte- feltro, though C. & C. think it cannot be Holy Family, Del Bacino, Giulio, Romano, Dresden Gallery. the picture of the Urbino inventory, but may be the second one painted for Taddeo Taddei, said to have belonged in 17th cen- tury to Due d'Angouleme in Paris ; sold to one Barroy, and finally came into the Crozat Collection ; bought of Crozat by Empress Catherine. Engraved by J. Chereau ; C. W. Ketterlinus ; A. Pistchalkine. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 322 ; Passavant, ii. 44 ; C. & C., Raphael, i. 284 ; Gaz. des B. Arts, xvii. (18G4), 317 ; xix. (1879), 187 ; Cab. Crozat, i. PI. 30 ; Gruyer, Vierges de Raphael, iii. 272 ; Descr. de FErmitage, PI. 1 ; Ruveil, xi. 769. HOLY FAMILY, CANIGIANI (della Casa Canigiani), Raphael, Munich Gallery ; wood,