Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/341

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HORNY ney Sweep ; Last Momenta of Calvin (1835), 1871. Battle painter, pupil of Munich Acad- Catherine de' Medici receiving Colony's emy under AiiBchutz.aiid of Albrecht Adam ; Head, Prisoner, Study for Head of Coligny, ^.^ painted first hunting Musee Rath, Geneva; Savoyard (184.'t), ^f scenes and horses, vis- Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Last Visit of Fare! ited Spain and Algiers to Calvin ; Calvin working on Fortifications |B ,?* fji in ls.">:i, and in 1858 of Geneva; Servetus led to Execution ; '% af* went to the Caucasus Fromment's Sermon on the Molard ; Be/a R^^Sfe^ :ll "l '""' ; l' art '" ""' reading Bible before Joanna d'Albret; Morn- fi^TmaSfc, Russian expedition. In ing after St. Bartholomew's Night; Luther /^9*^[Ci(fHPP 1 S( ' :! returned tn Mil at Worms. Illust. Zeitg., March 18, 18(55. nidi via Moscow and HOltXY, FRAXZ, born in Weimar in St. Petersburg, and 1707, died in Olevano in isl'.t. Pupil of painted many military Johann Heinrieh Meyer in Weimar, and scenes in oils and water-colours. In ls7o Joseph Anton Koch at Itome in INK!. Com- he made sketches during the siege IP I' Stras- missioned to paint, fruit and (lower decora- burg. Member of St. Petersburg Academv tions in fresco about the Dante frescos of in isiid, of (he 'ienna Academy in ISiis. Cornelius at the Villa Massimi. He was an honorary member of the Munich Academy artist of great promise, whose career was in ls<!5 ; lirst pri/e in Paris in lsi;7. gold cut short by an early death.-- Ricgel, l!l!7 ; medal in Munich in 1 still : militarv decora- Seubert, ii. 25t. .tions in 1S5S .">'.!, for his campaigns in the HOROSCOPE, <;i<n;ji>,i<- (!), Dresden ' Caucasus. Works: Poacher ( ls5(l| ; Halt Gallery ; wood, H. 4 ft. 5 in. x-'! ft. An old before Algiers ( lS5ti; Caravan in the I >i -serl ; man in Oriental costume, with a disc and Seizure of Sluunyl ; Taking of Earthwork on compass in his hand, sits at a marble table Mount (lunib; Cossacks returning from a in front of a ruined building ; to the left, a Ra//ia ; Kussian Artillerv in the Tschet- woman lying on the ground, playing with a schina ; Flight of Lesghian Horsemen ; naked child, while a man in armour stands Street in Titlis ; Attack of Circassians. by; background, a landscape, with warriors Allgem. d. Miogr., xiii. Kill; Allgem. /eitg., reposing under a tree. Looks as if it might A]>ril Is, IS71 ; Beilage. Ins ; Kunst-Chro- have been painted by (iirolamo Pennacchi. nik, i. ll">; Miinclmer I'ropyliien (l.siili). Formerly in Pala/./.o Manfrini, Venice. ('. T'.is ; Kegnet, M. K, i. Ill"); Tlieod. Hor- & C., N. Italy, ii. 15:!. schell. Life and Works (Munich. ls7(i). HOHOWIT/, LEOPOLD, born at I to/- HOItSE FAIK (Marclie aux Chevau. gony, Hungary, in 18:}'.). Portrait and A. T. Stewart Collection. New York ; canvas, genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy H.S ft. /.. 15 ft. 7.1 in. A drove of horses, of under Meyer, Wur/inger, and Gciger ; won various colours and sixes, some itli riders. first prize and went in ]8(i() to Paris, where and some led by men, trotting to right : in he remained eight years, acquiring consid- background, left, the dome of the Invalides erable reputation ; moved in 18(18 to War- in distance ; at right, an avenue of trees saw to study Polish and Jewish life, which with spectators. A masterpiece ; cost eigh- he has since treated in a number of success- teen months' labor. Salon, 185:$; sold to ful pictures. Works: Mourning of the Gambart & Co., London, for 40,000 francs, Jews over Jerusalem; Polish Tutor; Harm- and exhibited in London and in Manchester less War ; The First-Bom (1885). Allgem. in 1851! ; purchased in 1857 for about $i;,<><l<) K. C., ix. 6fi4 ; Mliller, 2(!6. by Win. P. Wright, Weehawken, New Jer- HORSCHELT, THEODOR, born in Mu- sey, mid exhibited in New York in October nicb, March 1C, 1829, died there, April IJ^of that year; thence passed to Mi Stewart. rn