Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/346

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11U13KII Summer (1884) ; Watering Place, Down in I he Meadows (1885). HUBER, JOHANN KASPAR, born at Glattfelden, Canton Zurich, in 1752, died at Zurich, April 17, 1825. Landscape and marine painter, pupil of Johunn Heinrieh Wiist ; studied four years in Frankfort, then in the Diisseldorf Gallery, where he devoted himself to marine painting, and after two years in Amsterdam, returned to Diisseldorf in 1781, and to Switzerland in 178!). Member of Diisseldorf Academy. Works : Surge, Landscape with Castle, Storm at Sea, Zurich (Jallery. Nagler, vi. 336. Ill'lJER, .JOHANX RUDOLF, born in ^., Basle in 1668, died there, Feb., 1748. Portrait painter, pu- pil in Basle of Ivaspar Meyer, then in Berne of Jos. Werner; went to Italy when nine- teen, and for six years studied Giulio lloma- no at Mantua, and Titian at Venice, where lie painted figures in the landscapes of Pie- ter do Molyn (Tempesta) ; in Home he prof- ited much by the advice of Maratti, then visited France, and returned to Basle in Ki',13. In 161)6 he became court-painter to the Duke of Wurtemberg, but resigned after four years. AVith his growing reputa- tion he could scarcely satisfy the demands made upon him by princes and persons of the highest standing. He is said to have painted 5, 000 portraits. AVorks: Dr. Thomas Platter, portrait of himself, Basle Museum ;

7*4 Family of Margrave Frederic Magnus of Baden-Durlach (1693) ; Envoys to the Peace Congress in Baden (1713) ; Joseph I., and many other Sovereigns. Allgem. d. Biogr., xiii. 231 ; Fiiessli, ii. 257. HUBER, RUDOLF, born at Schleinz, Nether Austria, about 1844. Animal and portrait painter, pupil of Vienna and Diis- seldorf Academies ; took part in the Italian campaign of 186(3 as an officer, visited Egypt repeatedly after 1870, and brought back numerous studies of Abyssinian types. Professor at Vienna Academy. AVorks : Cows in Pasture ; Caravan ; Maternal Joys, Cows Fighting, Equestrian Portraits of Duke Charles of Lorraine and of Count Stahremberg (1883) ; Washington on Horse- back (1884). Miiller, 2G8 ; Kunst-Chrouik, xviii. 372. HUBERT, ALFRED, born in Brussels (or Liege?); contemporary. Genre and animal painter ; at tirst made his mark with pen-and-ink drawings of military life, but began to paint in water-colours in 1854. Is especially skilful in painting horses. AA^orks : Horses and Cattle in Stable; Peasant AVomen in Town ; Dog-Team ; Camp-Scene ; New Year's Presents ; Coachmen ; Umbrellas ; Militaria ; Railroads ; Masked Ball ; Horses in Gypsy Camp (1870) ; Artillery Resting (1872) ; Marine (187:)) ; Evening after Bat- ' tie (1874) ; Mounted Artillery (1875). Gaz. dcs B. Arts (187G), xiii. 453 ; Miiller, 2G9. HUBERTI, EDOUARD, born in Brussels in 1818, died there in 1880. Landscape painter in the manner of Corot ; his pict- ures commanded high prices in Belgium and England. Member of Society beige des Aquarellistes. AVorks : Heath in the Cam- pine, King of Belgium ; Harvest ; On Border of Forest ; Pond of Ramee ; Spring ; Gloomy AA^eather at AA T ilryk ; Valley of Jehoshaphat in Morning Light ; Autumn ; Snow Land- scape on the Scheldt. Meyer, Couv. Lex., 1 xix. 473. HtiBNER, EDUARD, born in Dresden, May 27, 1842. Genre painter, son of Julius, pupil of Schurig, then of Dresden Academy, and in 1860-67 of Diisseldorf Academy un- der Bendemann ; repeatedly visited Italy, spent three winters at Rome, and (1869-70)