Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/349

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IIUET Farmer's Wife (1771); Europe, Asia, Fidel- (1835), Luxembourg Museum; AuturanEven- ity tearing the Bonds of Love, Morning, in-,' (lH3li) ; (lust of Wind (183S), Avignon Noon, Afternoon, Evening (1773); Shep- Museum ; Chateau of Arques (1840), Orleans herd with bis Dog (1775), Orleans Museum ; Museum; Tori-cut of Etolie (1841); Castle Holy Family with Shepherds, Return from of Avignon (1843), Avignon Museum ; Val Market (177")); Pastoral Trophy, Fanner's d'Enfer, Mure ami Foxes (ISIS); (',,1 ,1,. Wife feeding Chickens (1777); Hercules Tende (1N4'.I); Private Park of St. Cloud, and Oniphale (17711); View of Konce Pond Children in the Wood, Enchanted Shores nt Sevres, View of Walls and Fortress of (185II); Calm in the Woods (l.s/iii); Brcak- Molle, Annunciation to the Shepherds (1787); ers of Cramille (ls.">:{), Marshes of Picanlv, Washing on Banks of a Pond, View of Oven I Inundation of St. Cloud |ls.").">), Louvre; at Boiigival, Herdsman watching his Herd Ford, Thatched Cottage, IJrtwixt Rain and (1800); Bulls in a Stable, Donkey with Sunlight, Pastures ( IS.V.h; Sunset near Trou- Chickens (1S01); Lion and Lioness with ville, Equinoctial High Tide near Honllcur their Young (1802); Landscape with Birds, (1SC1); ClitVs of Honlgatt, Bordeaux Muse- Rouen Musciini ; Dog pointing at Partridges, urn ; do.. Lower Meudoii ( 1st;:!); Torrent in Animals Grazing, Horses and Sheep at Past- the Alps, The I'riage lioad (Isiili; Cm -k on ure, Nantes Museum ; Ham and Two Ewes, the Pyrenees Frontier (IsC'i), Montpcllier Two Dogs killing a Lamb and Chickens, Museum; Park of The Hague at Sunset Rohillard Collection, Khcims. His son and (IMilJ). Orleans Museum; Foiitainebleau, pupil, Nicolas (horn in Paris, 1770, still liv- Kuins of ( 'astle of Pierrefonds (l8(iK); Fish- ing in 1827), was commissioned l>v the gov- ernieu drawing a Seine on the Shore at Honl- ernment to paint for the Museum of Natural gatt (ISd'.l); View near Naples, Cain Muse- History one hundred and twenty water-col- um ; Toueque Valley, Luxembourg Museum. ours, to continue the collection begun in L'Art (1878), ii. 15 ; Bellier, i. 7K8 ; l.urty, by ^L. Mai t res, 179; (la/. desB. Arts ( ISti'.t), i. 2117; Laronsse ; Meyer, (lescli., 711. Hl'FFEL, PKKTEU VAN, born at Cram- mont.East Flanders, baptized April 17, 17(!H, died at Client, Aug. 12, 1844. History and (1S7(!), vii. 124 ; Bellier, i. 7S7 ; Cli. Blanc, portrait painter, puj>il of (Ihent Academy, Kcole fran<;aise ; Lejeune, Cuide, i. 'I'.W ; where he won several pri/.es ; then studied iii. 1I50. seven years at Mechlin under Herreyns, and HUET, PAUL, born in Paris, Oct. 5, 1S04, in Paris; after his return to Client was died there, Jan. 0, 18(10. Landscape paint- appointed director of the Academy and er, pupil of Paul Cuerin, of Cros, and of conservator of the Museum. Cold medal, the Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 18:!1 he be- Client, 1S17. Court-painter to Queen Anna came the founder of a new school of roman- Pavlovna of Holland. Works : Holy Virgin tic landscape painting, in which he was the in the Temple (1817), Abbey of Dooreseele ; precursor of Theodore Rousseau and of Jules Miracle of St. Landvald, St. Bavon's, Client ; Dupre. Frequently visited Italy and Hoi- SS. Peter and Paul, St. James's, ib.; Resur- land. Had many pupils. Medals: 2d class, red ion, Museum, ib. ; Portrait of Napoleon 1833 ; 1st class, 1848, 185.1, 18(57 ; L. of Hon- as Consul, Antwerp Museum; do. of John our, 1841. Works : View of La Fi-re (1827); Quincy Adams (1814). Cat. du Mus. d An- Storm at Close of Day, Interior of a Park vers (1874), 474 ; Immerzeel, ii. 61 ; Krainm, (1831); Entrance of Forest of Compiegne, iii. 7(13 ; vii. 87. Guard-House (1833); Views of Eu and of Hl'CARD DE LATOUR, CLAUDE Honlleur (1834); Morning Calm in Forest , SEBASTIEN, born at Cluses (Haute-Savoie), ours, to continue the collection b l(i")() by ^^ the Duke JJ ' ' , M- SXJUt.1 p-' L 'Art /