Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/356

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HUNT father, Dr. Roehcliffe performing Divine Service in Cottage of Jocelyn Joliffe (1847) ; Flight of Madelaine and Porphyro (1848) ; L'ienzi vowing to avenge his Brother's Death (1849) ; Converted British Family sheltering a Christian Missionary from Druids (1850) ; Valentine rescuing Sylvia (1851) ; Hireling Shepherd (1852) ; Claudio and Isabella, Our English Coasts (1853) ; Awakened Conscience, Liyht of the World (1854) ; Scapegoat, Find- ing of the Sin-lour in the Temple (18(50) ; King of Hearts (1803) ; Afterglow in Egypt (1805); London Bridge on the Entry of Princess Alexandra, Itahcllu and the Pot of Basil (1808) ; Sliadoirot Death (1873), Man- chester Art Gallery ; Flight into Egypt, Ital- ian Child, Plains of Esdraelon, Street Scene near Cairo (1877); The Ship (1878); Miss Flamborough (1882); Port rait of Dante Gabriel Rossctti (1884); Bride of Bethle- hem, TriinniJi of the Innocents (1885). Portfolio (1871), 34 ; Art Journal (1800), 158, 182 ; Rossetti, Fine Art, 233. HUNT, WILLIAM MORRIS, born in Brattleborough, Vt,, March 31, 1824, died at the Isles of Shoals, Sept. 8, 1S79. Portrait, land- scape, and figure painter ; studied ilt tllc Royftl Academy, Diis- seldorf, in 1840, with the intention of be- coming a sculptor. Nine months later be- came the pupil for a short time of Couture in Paris, after which he went to Barbizon to study with Millet, who influenced his work through life. In 1855 returned to the United States, opened a studio in Newport, and a little later settled permanently in Boston, where he had many scholars. Vis- ited Paris in 18G7. Works : Head of a Jewess ; Priscilla, Thomas Wigglesworth, Boston ; Farmer's Return (1849) ; Sheep Shearing at Barbizon ; Fortune-Teller ; Prodigal Sou ; Girl with a Kitten ; Girl Reading ; Girl Spinning : Violet Girl ; Mar- guerite ; Hurdy-Gurdy Boy ; Drummer-Boy (1801) ; Bugle-Call (1864) ; Gloucester Har- bour ; Newton Lower Falls ; Coast Scene at Magnolia Mass. ; Dead in the Snow ; The Lambs, Mrs. G. W. Long. Portraits : Chief Justice Shaw, Essex County Bar ; Allan "Wardner ; Horace Gray (1805), Chief Jus- tice Gray ; Mrs. S. G. Ward (1807) ; of the Artist (1879), Peter C. Brooks, Jr. ; of his Wife ; Mrs. Charles Francis Adams ; Mrs. G. W. Long ; Wm. H. Gardiner ; Hon. W. M. Evarts, Miss Mason. The Flight of N'ujht, and the Discoverer, mural decorations in the Capitol at Albany (1878). Am. Art , Rev. (1880), 49, 93 ; Tuckerman, 447 ; Talks | on Art, by W. M. H., edited by Helen M. Knowlton, two series (Boston, 1875, 1882). HUNTEN, EMIL JOHANNES, born in Paris, Jan. 19, 1827. Battle painter, pupil of Flandrin and of Ecole des Boanx Arts under Vernet, then in Antwerp under Wappers and Dyck- mans ; settled (1851) in Diisseldorf, and became a pupil of Camphausen. In 1804 he accompanied the army during part of the winter campaign in Schleswig, and the Army of the Main in 18GG ; in 1870-71 he visited many of the battle-fields in France. Medals in Berlin (1872), Vienna (1873). Member of Berlin Academy since 1878. Works : Prussian Cuirassiers dashing over a Bridge (1852-53) ; Skirmish near Hen- nersdorf (1855) ; Skirmish at Reichenbach (1850), Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Battle of Zorndorf (1858) ; Patrol of Cuirassiers, General von Nostitz at Oeversee, Austrian Officer with Flag of Truce, Storming Dap- pel Earthworks (18G5) ; Reconnoitring at Sadowa (18GG) ; Episode from Battle of Crefeld, Blucher, Kiel Gallery ; From the Time of Frederic the Great, Stettin Muse- um ; Skirmish of Patrol near Thorstedt ; 306