Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/37

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ECHTLEIi in 1862, and professor at the Art School of Industry in 1868. Order of St. Michael, Belgian Order of Leopold, Bavarian Medal for Art and Science. Works : St. George, Peter delivered from Prison ; Walk to Ein- maus; Battle in Lech Valley in 955 (1800), Treaty of Pavia (both in Maximilianeum) ; Biirbarossa's Wedding (1865), Burial of Wal- ther von der Vogelweide (both in National Museum, Munich); Four Elements (18I>5) ; Telegraphy and Railroad Travelling (18(!2), Central Railway Station, Munich ; thirty Scenes from Wagner's Operas (Royal Palace, Munich) ; Fancy and Poetry (1873) ; Aurora ; Twelve Months represented by Children's Figures. Brockhaus, v. 722 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, xiv. 369 ; Regnct, i. 104. ECHTLER, ADOLF, born at Gorit/, Austria ; contemporary, Genre and por- trait painter, pupil of Venice Academy un- der Karl Blaas, of Vienna Academy under Fiihrich, and of Munich Academy. Lives in Paris. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1875. Works : Difficult Problem ; Peaceful Company ; Honi soit qui mnl y penso (1877) ; Souve- nir of Italy, " Thou whom I have always Loved . . '." (187!)) ; The Kiss (1880) ; Nea- politans in Normandy, In the Morning (1881) ; Repentant Sinner (1882) ; Ruin of a Family, All is Vain (1883) ; Souvenir of Venice (1884) ; Five Orphans (1885). ECKARDT, CHRISTEN (FREDERIK EMIL), born at Copenhagen, July 2, 1832. Marine painter, pupil of Copenhagen Acad- emy, but really self-taught ; visited Ger- many and Italy in 1853-56, and England, France, and Italy in 1873. Works : View of Venice ; Fishermen fleeing from Storm (1862) ; Fishermen boarding Yacht (1866). Weilbach, 139. ECKENBRECHER, (KARL PAUL) THE MISTOCLES VON, born in Athens, Nov. 17, 1842. Landscape and marine painter, pupil in Potsdam of Wegener, then in 1861- 63 in Diisseldorf of Oswald Achenbach ; travelled in Germany and Switzerland, took part in the campaign of 1870-71, then, after visiting many parts of Europe, settled in Diisseldorf, where, since 1880, lias painted panoramic views on a large scale. Works : Thingvalla Lake, Almanadjao, six Icelandic views, Square near Mosque in Stambool, Chan Street in Stambool (187:!) ; Voring Fos in Norway, North Cape, Evening on Bos- porus (1875) ; Brusa (1871!) ; View on Norwegian Coast (1877) ; Battle of Grave- lotto (1880); Battle of Nieuwpoort (1881), Entry of Mecca Caravan into Cairo. Brock- haus, v. 72<! ; Mflller, 153. ECKERMANN, KARL, born in Weimar in 1834. Landscape painter, pupil from 1841I of Preller, then spent 1855 in Brussels, and in 185(i went to Carlsruhc to study under Schirmer. Travelled afterwards through Germany, Belgium, and Holland. Works : Rhine Valley and Vosges ; View on Isle of Kilgen ; Landscape in Holstein ; View on Inn River ; Liineburg Heath ; View mi Rhine ; Landscape in Storm ; series of Still- Life (Castle Ettersburg, near Weimar). Midler, 153. ECKERSBERG, CHRISTOFFER VIL- HELM, born at Varnacs, Jutland, Jan. 2, 1783, died in Copenhagen, July 22, 1853. History and portrait painter, pupil of Co- penhagen Academy under Abildgaard ; won great gold medal in 1809, went in 1810 to Paris, where ho studied under David, and after his return went to Rome in 1813 ; be- came in 1817 member of, 1818 professor in, and in 1827 director of the Copenhagen Academy. Commander of Order of Danne- brog. Works : Jacob's Death (18(111) ; Loko and Sygin (1810) ; Women at the Holy Sep- ulchre (1812) ; Bidder's Death (1817) ; Axel and Walburg, Eight Scenes from History of Oldenburg (1818 28) ; Christ at Gcthsem- anc (1824) ; Crossing the Red Sea (1815), Russian Man-of-War (1828), Danish Ship under Sail (1835), Sailing Vessels in Sunset, Ships off Copenhagen Roadstead (1848), four others, Copenhagen Gallery ; Death of Balder, Academy, ib.; Calm Sea (1832) ; Swedish Fisherman's .Boat (1833) ; Sermon on Mount (1834) ; Meeting at Sea ; Pirate Schooner ; Krouborg ; Portraits of Oehleu-