Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/377

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JACOB said to have been bought in Madrid in 1808 for Lord Overstoue, ami sold to Marnuis of Westminster for two Claudes, a 1'oiissin, and 1,200 in money. Buchanan, Memoirs, ii. 221 ; Curtis, 120. JACOB AND RACHEL (Gen. xxix.), (,',- ordaiKi, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. (! ft. 8 in. x 7 ft. (J in. Jacob, gone into Mesopota- mia to take a wife from the daughters of .- -.r* *" j -^Sf^Jt- Jacob and Rachel. Giordano, Dfuiden Gallery. Laban, meets Rachel with her flocks near a well, and hastens to remove the stone from the well's mouth. Engraved by Joseph Wagner.- Ki'veil, vii. 435. JACOBELLO DEL FIORE. See Fin,;: JACOBI, BERNARDINO. Sec IMli- nune. JACOBS, JACOBUS (ALBERTUS MI- CHAEL), born in Antwerp, May lit, 1812, died there, Dec. 13, 187'.!. Marino painter, pupil of Antwerp Academy under Van Brec and Wappers ; studied especially Claude Lorrain, Joseph Vernet, and Willem van do Velde ; visited the Mediterranean Coast, Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, Asia Minor, Russia, and Scandinavia, and in 1843 became pro- fessor at the Antwerp Academy. Order of Leopold, 184!) ; Officer, 1804. Several med- als. Works : Outlook from Cape Colouna Greece (1846), Weimar Museum ; Grecian Archipelago (1848), Xational Gallery, Ber- lin ; Shipwreck of Floridian (184!)), Sunrise in the Archipelago (1852), Harbour of Con- stantinople, Xew Pinakothek, Munich ; Ar- abs resting in the Desert (18411) ; Golden Horn (1852); Waterfall of the Glommen in Norway (1853), Brussels Museum ; Ruins of Kamak (1857); Sogne Fjord (1857), Cara- van in Flight, Ruins of Phiue, Brce/o on Finland Coast, Bay of Lepanto (18<!4); Cat- aracts of the Nile, Canal Grande in Venice. Entrance to Bergen Harbour (18(!7). -Im- mer/.eel, ii. 75; Kunst-Chronik, xv. 211. JACOBS, PAUL EMIL, born in Gotha, Aug. 18, 1802, died there, Jan. (i, I8(!i;. History painter, pupil from 1818 of the Munich Academy under Langer, father and son; visited Upper Italy in 182 J, and in 1825 28 studied in Koine. Settled in Frank- fort, painted chielly portraits, and in 1S30 went to St. Petersburg, where he became member of the Academy. Returned to Gotha in 1834 ; he painted in Hanover for the king in 1835 38, visited Greece and Home, and settled in Gotha in 184(1; was in Rome again in 1844 45, and in 1853 57. Member of the Berlin Academy, and court- painter and aulic counsellor to I >ul' of Co- burg-Gotha. Works: Mercury and Argus (before 1825); Raising of La/.arus (1825); Venus Asleep (182(i). Heads of Roman Wom- en (2), Gotha Museum ; Prometheus (182!); Portrait of General Diebitsch-Sabalkanski, Ascension, List Supper (1830 -34). Fres- cos: Venus rising from Sea, Triumph of Bacchus, Argonauts (1835 38), Royal Pal- ace, Hanover ; Crucifixion (1840), St. Angus- tin's, Gotha ; Scheherazade, Willielma, Stutt- gart ; replicas in Manchester, Iv'inigsbcrg Museum (1840), and Gotha ; Presenting of the Silk Cord (1844), Villa Rosenstein, near Stuttgart; Samson and Delilah (1845) ; Ju- dith and Holofernes (1850) ; Oriental Slave- Market, Rape of Proserpine, Munich Gal- lery; Luther at Worms, City Hall, Stral- sund ; Christ, Madonna, Catholic Church, Gotha ; Eccc Homo (1853), Museum, ib.; Descent from the Cross, Susanna (185(i); Gernmnia Mourning, Gennania Victorious. Day and Night, War and Peace. Allgem. d. Biogr., xiii. G15 ; Kunst-Chronik, i. 3.