Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/382

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JAGEK Gal. ile Versailles, No. 055 ; Norvins, Hist, tie Napoleon, i. 480. JAGER, GUSTAV, born in Leipsic, July 12, 1808, died there, April 10, 1871. His- tory painter, studied at first in Leipsic and at the Dresden Academy, and from 1830 in Munich under Julius Schnorr, whom, after visiting Rome in 1830-37, ho assisted in painting frescos in the new palace. In 1S40-48 ho decorated the Herder room at the castle in Weimar with frescos, and in 1850 painted one of the frescos in the Nic- belungen Hull at Munich. He was made director of the Leipsic Academy in 1847. Works : Entombment, Burial of Moses. Leipsic Museum (Cartoon in Weimar Mu- seum); Job (1833); Prayer of Moses during the Battle (1835); Balaam with the Angel (1830); Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine (1S55), Dresden Museum. Frescos : Char- lemagne driving the Longolmrda from Ger- many, Conquest of Saragossa, Battle with the Huns, Death of Charlemagne in Aachen, Charlemagne taking Pavia, Council at Frank- fort, Coronation of Charlemagne in Rome, Frederic Barbarossa proclaimed Emperor, Barbarossa's Entry into Milan, Peace Treaty with Alexander 111. in Venice, Death of Bar- barossa at Seleucia (1837-45), all in the Ki'migsbau, Munich ; Allegories illustrating Herder's Works (1840 48), Herder mom, Weimar ; Entombment, Leipsic Museum ; Dream of Hophronius, Magdalen at the Feet of the Saviour (1859); Circumcision of St. John. Allgem. d. Biogr., xiii. (549 ; Allgem. Zeitg., April 27, 1871, Beilage, 117 ; Cotta's Kunstbl. (1830), 54 ; D. Kunstbl. (1850), 328 ; (1851), 19 ; (1858), 291 ; Fi'.rster, v. 101 ; Kunst-Chronik, vi. 423. JAGER, KARL, born at Nuremberg in 1838. History painter, pupil of Reindel, Kreling, and Munich Academy. Professor at Nuremberg Art School. Works : Golden Age of Nuremberg ; Birth of Diirer ; Fair Rothtraut (1877); twelve portraits of Ger- man Kings ; Portrait of Director Esseuwein, Nuremberg Museum. Miiller, 279. JAHN, JOHANN QUIRIN, born in Prague, June 4, 1739, died there, July 20, 1802. History painter and writer on art ; son and pupil of Jacob Jahn (died in 1767), and for several years assistant of Palko in fresco and oil painting. Visited Holland, France, and Germany, and was made associ- ate of the Academy at Vienna. After his return to Prague in 1790 he painted altar- pieces for Bohemian and Schleswig churches. Works : S. Felippo Neri (1772), Church of St. Veit, Prague ; St. Stephen (1775), St. Ste- phen's, ib. ; masterly copy of Correggio's La Notte, Church at Liebesnitz. Allgem. d. Biogr., xiii. 080 ; Wurzbach, x. 47. JAIRUS, DAUGHTER OF (Mark, ch. v.), Gustav Jiichter, National Gallery, Berlin ; canvas, H. 11 ft. 10 in. x 9 f t. 5 in. ; signed, dated 1850. Christ, accompanied by three apostles, stands beside the bed of the maid- en, who raises her head and looks up to him, while the mother bends listening over her ; the father, standing behind the couch, has laid his hand on his child's pillow and looks in mute astonishment at the miracle. Jor- dan (1885), i. 102. JALABERT, CHARLES FRANCOIS, born at Nimes, Jan. 1, 1819. Genre and

portrait painter, pupil of Paul Delaroche.

After competing for the prix de Rome three times without success, he spent three years in Italy, and returned with a picture which was bought by the State. His figures are well grouped, but not free from affectation. This is especially applicable to his religious pictures. Medals : 3d class, 1847 ; 2d class, 1851, 1807; 1st class, 1853, 1855; L. of Honor, 1855 ; Officer, 1807. Works : Virgil, Horace, and Varius at the House of Maecenas (1847), Luxembourg Museum ; St. Luke, Villanello (1852) ; Annunciation, Nymphs listening to Orpheus (1853); Christ on Mount of Olives (1855); Farewell of Ro- meo and Juliet, Raphael at work on the Ma- donna San Sisto (1857); A Widow (1801); Christ walking on the Sea, Maria Abruzze (1803); The Awakening (1872); CEdipus and Antigone, Nimes Museum ; Christian Mar- tyr, Italian Girl, Orpheus (1853); The Morn- 33U