Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/389

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JKIIAX Petersburg Academy. Leixner, D. moil. K., L 23 ; Mailer, 281. JEHAN DE PAULS. Sec P.-rnnl. JEHANNET, MAITUK, See Cl-m.-t. JELGERHUIS RIENKSZ, JOHANNES, bom at Leeuwarden, Sept. 24, 1770, died at Amsterdam, Oct. 6, 1836. Landscape and city views painter, son and pupil of Rienk Jelgerhuis (1729-1806), and pupil of Pieter Barbiers, the younger ; became an actor in 1806. Works : Gate of Leydeii -it Amster- dam (1813); Publisher's Warehouse, ib. (1820); View of Delft (1820); Little Fish- Market at Amsterdam (1828), Amsterdam Museum. Immerzeel, ii. 84 ; Kramm, iii. 80!). JENA, BATTLE OF, Horace Vcnicl, Ver- sailles Museum. Battle fought Oct. 1 1, 1806. In centre, Napoleon, Berthier, Murat : at right, the Imperial Guard. The Em- peror, observing that his wings were men- aced by cavalry, galloped forward to give orders. Some of the Imperial Guard, im- patient of inaction, cried out, "En avant ! " Napoleon, hearing the words, rebuked them, saying : " It must be some beardless young man who thus seeks to prejudge my actions. Let him wait until he has commanded in thirty battles before he pretends to give me advice." Painted in 1836. Engraved by Friley. Gal. de Versailles, iv. No. 812. JENKINS, JOSEPH JOHN, born in Lon- don in 1811, died there in 1885. Genre painter, son and pupil of the engraver D. Jenkins ; joined the new society of painters in water colours in 1842, seceded from it and became in 1850 an associate and in 18.">1 a member of the older society, of which lie was the secretary in 1854-64. Works : Go- ing with the Stream ; Going against the Stream ; Both Sides of the Channel ; Happy Time ; Sleeping Companions ; Love, Royal Collection, London ; Shrimpers, South Ken- sington Museum, ib. JENOUDET, PAUL LOUIS, born at Ly- ons ; contemporary. History and portrait painter, pupil of the ficole des Beaux Arts, at Lyons, of Felix Clement, Guntave Bou- langer, and Jules Lefebvre. Medal, 3d class, ( 1883. Works; Portraits (1878-82); Novem- ber (1883); Cyane (1884); Judith meditat- ing Delivery of Bethulia (1885). JENSEN, CHRISTIAN ALBRECHT.born at Bredsted, Souk-swig, June 26, 171)2, died at Copenhagen, July 13, 1S70. Portrait painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy, where he won a medal iu 1S14, studied at Koine and Venice in 1818, and in the year following copied at Dresden Raphael's Ma- donna and Titian's Venus. Member of Co- penhagen Academy in 1*24 ; Professor in 1835. Works ; Portrait of Artist's Mother; Male Portrait, Gallery, Copenhagen ; Por- trait of Painter Frit/.sch, Thorvaldsen Mu- seum, il>. -Vcilbach, :i'J'_'. JENSKN, JOHAN LAUiKNTS, born at Gjentofte, Copenhagen, March 8, 180(1, died there, March 26, 1X56. Flower and still- life painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy under Frit/.soh, where lie won medals in IS 17 and IS IK, went in 1S22 to Paris, and thence to Sevres, where be studied porcelain painting ; visited Rome and Naples. Mem- ber of Copenhagen Academy in 1S25. He also painted kitchen-pieces. Works : Dead Game (1847); Fruits and Flowers (2), Co- penhagen Gallery ; Flowers and Blossoms, Kunsthalle, Hamburg. Weilbach, 326. JKNT/EN, FRIEDRICH, born in Schwerin, June 13, is 15. Architecture painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under Gropius and Kraus; then studied architect- ure for three years in Munich ; taught drawing at the court of Mecklenburg ; visit- ed Italy in 1855. Works: Cloister in Mon- astery of Steingaden (1846), View in Stifts- kirche at Quedlinburg (1847), Magdeburg Cathedral, Interior of Schwerin Cathedral (1878), Grand Ducal Palace at Schwerin (1881), Schwerin Gallery ; Interior of Church in Schwerin Palace ; Cloister by Torchlight ; do. by Moonlight; View near Gerolstein ; Beilstein on the Moselle ; Courtyard of Hei- delberg Castle in Winter ; Corridor of City Hall in Lflbeck. Miiller, 282. JEREMIAH, Washington Allston, Yale 337