Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/398

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JOOONDE Conscience sustaining Duty (1805) ; Gentle- ness, Descent from Cross (1800); Bouquet of Roses (1872) ; Mysteries of Bacchus (1878) ; The Sea (1878) ; Elect (1883) ; Office of Municipal Council of Paris (1885) ; and many portraits and decorative works. Bellier, i. 830 ; Gaz. dcs B. Arts (1802), xii. 202 ; (1800), xx. 300, 513 ; Laroussc. JOCONDE, LA. Sec Nona Lisa. JODL, FERDINAND, born in Munich in 1805. Architecture painter, pupil of Do- nu'iiico Quaglio. Works : Interior of Frau- cnkirche in Munich ; Castle Hohensehwan- gau, View of Maria Hilf Church, and two other Views in Munich (1828), New Pinako- thek, Munich ; Interior of Ulm Cathedral ; St. Sebaldus in Nuremberg. Miiller, 284. JODOCUS OF GHENT. See Ju.<lti.i of Ghent. JOEST, JAN, born probably at Calcar about 1400, died at Haarlem in 151'.). His- tory painter, first in- structed at Calcar, then formed himself undoubtedly in the school of Haarlem, whence he seems to have returned to Cal- car in 1505, and began to paint, the great al- tarpiece in the parish church of St. Nicho- las, representing, in twenty panels, the Life, Passion, and Triumph of Christ, containing 210 figures, which was completed in 1508. This shows him to have been a skilful mas- ter, trained in the old school of the Nether- lands. In all probability he then returned to Haarlem, where he seems to have spent the remainder of his life, and where he was buried in the cathedral of St. Bavon. A Holy Family, attributed to him, is in the Brussels Museum. Allgem. Zeitg. Oct. 28, 1874; Forster, ii. 150; Hotho, Gesch., ii. 188; Kunst-Chronik, x. 74 ; Wolff, Die Nicolaip- farrkirche zu Calcar (Calcar, 1880), 17, 58 ; W. & W., ii. 492 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K.,xi. 339, 374. JOHANN VON KOLN, German school, 15th century. History painter, joined the brotherhood of Agnetenberg, near Zwoll, in 1440 ; was an artist of much inventive power. Work, Adoration of Magi, Berlin Museum. Allgem. d. Biogr., xiv. 400 ; Merlo, Nach- richtcn, 219. JOHANNOT, (CHARLES HENRI) AL- FRED, born at Offenbach on the Main, March 21, 1800, died in Paris, Dec. 7, 1837. History painter, brother and pupil of the engraver Charles Johaunot (1788- 1825). First known as an engraver of the works of Ary Scheffer and Vernet. Hia pictures are distinguished for their good colour and careful elaboration of detail. Gold medal, 1831. Works : Arrest of Jean de Crespierre (1831) ; Entry of Mile, de Montpensier into Orleans during the War of the Fronde, Announcement of the Victory cf Hastenbeck (1833); Francis I. and Charles V. (1834) ; Cromwell, Mine. d'Ancre (1834); Henry II. and Catherine de Medicis with their Children, The Courier Verner bled by the King (1835) ; Mary Stuart leaving Scot- land (1830) ; St. Martin giving away Half of his Cloak ; Anne of Este arriving at Court of Charles IX. (1837) ; The Battle of Brat- telen, 1444 (1838), Battle of Rosebecque, 1 1382 (1839), Funeral of the Victims of July 2>i, 1835, Versailles Museum. Bellier, i. 831 ; Cli. Blanc, Ecole frant/aise, iii. ; Lenor- mant, Beaux-Arts, i. 233 ; Meyer, Gesch., 435 ; Nouv. biog. gen., xxvi. 785. JOHANNOT, TONY, born at Offenbach on the Main, Nov. 9, 1803, died in Paris, Aug. 4, 1852. History painter, brother and pupil of Alfred, whom he assisted in engrav- ing the illustrations to the works of Walter Scott, Cooper, and Byron. Though some- what weak in drawing, his first Salon pict- ures (1831) were attractive and solid in ex- ecution. Works : Woman giving Soldier a Drink (1831) ; Death of Duguesclin (1835); Battle of Foutenay (1837), Battle of Rose- becque (1839), Versailles Museum ; Boyhood of Duguesclin (1840); The Siesta, Halt, Louis VTI. forcing the Passage of the Me- ander (1841), Versailles Museum ; Louis 346