Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/41

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EGLOFFSTEIX Christ with Mary and Martha ; Washing the Lord's Feet ; Choir in Nauniburg Cathe- dral. Fresco : Rome Personified (Vatican). EGLOFFSTEIN, JULIE VON, Countess, born at Hildesheini, Sept., 1702, died Jan. 1C, 1869. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Sohn ; a beautiful and gifted woman at Court of Weimar, mentioned by Goethe in his poems. Became canoness of Hildesheini. Works : Shepherds in the Carapagua (I8U5): Girl braiding her Hair ; Hagar in the Des- ert ; Exposure of Moses ; portraits of Queen Teresa of Bavaria and of Grand Duchess of Saxe- Weimar. Allgem. d. Biogr., v. (>8:{. EGMOND, JUSTUS (VEBUS) VAN, born in Leyden, Sept. 22, 1(5(51, died in Antwerp, Jan. 8, 1674. Flemisli school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Gas- par van den Hocck in 1(515, and then of Rubens, whom he assisted especially in the execution of the Marie de Medici pictures at the Louvre. Later was in the service of Louis XIII. and Louis XIV., and was among the original members of the French Academy, founded in 1(548. He worked also conjointly with Vouet, and returned to Antwerp before Nov. 11, 1(5(50. Works : Portrait of Archduke Leopold William, two portraits of Philip IV. of Spain, Vienna Mu- seum ; Maria de' Medici, Schleissheim Gal- lery.- Allgem. d. Biogr., v. (587 ; Biog. nat. de Belgique, vi. 512 ; Jal, 5'28 ; Rooses (Rcber), 318 ; Van den Branden, 7(5(5. EGMONT AND HORN, OBSEQUIES OF, Louis Gallail, Tournay Museum ; can- vas. The Duke of Alva, who under the forms of justice had executed his noble Dutch predecessors, Count Lamoral of Eg- mont and Philip of Montmorency, Count Horn, visits their bodies when arranged for burial and contemplates them with savage satisfaction. Painted in 1851 ; pur- chased by city of Tournay. Replica (185!)), water-colour (14x19 in.), W. T. Walters, Baltimore. Art Treasures of America, i. 88. EGOGNI, AMBROGIO. See llorywjnone, Auabrogio. EGUSQUIZA, ROGELIO DE, born at Santander, Spain ; contemporary. Works : Don Quixote and the Parson ; Bright Look- out ; Boudoir Scene, A. J. Drexel, Phila- delphia ; She laughs at his Folly, W. B. Bement, Philadelphia ; Disappointed ; Re- turn from Walk, C. P. Huntington, New York ; Reading Girl, Borie Collection, Phila- delphia ; Michelangelo beside the Body of Vittoria Colonna ; Charles V. at San Yusto (18G8); After a Brawl (186!)); Infant Don Carlos and Infanta Dona Juan a swear to de- fend the Catholic. Faith (1870); The Be- trothed (l,s,s:!). EGYPT, FLIGHT INTO. See J-'li./ht. EGYPT, REPOSK IN. See fle/ww?. EGYPTIAN FEAST, Edwin /,..,,,/, Fine Art Society, London ; canvas, H. (5 ft. 2 in. X 12 ft. -4 in. A feast spread in a vast dec- orated hall of Egyptian architecture, with massive columns in background ; in the cen- tre slaves are dragging a mummy upon a bier, to remind the numerous revellers that they are mortal ; in foreground, musicians. Engraved by E. Girardet. EHNINGER, .JOHN WHKTTON, born in New York, July 22, 1<S27. Landscape and figure painter ; after graduating at Co- lumbia College he went to Paris (1847), where he studied two years under Couture, and then at Diisseldorf. He was at, one time employed by a London illustrated journal to furnish designs for wood-cuts. Elected N.A. in lH(i(). Studio at Saratoga Springs. Works: Peter Stuyvesant (1N50); Eight illustrations of Miles Standisli (1S.">S); Autumnal Landscape (1867); Monk (1S71); Vintage in the Valtellina Italy ( 1877;; Twi- light from the Bridge of Pan Basses-Pyre- nees (1878); Subject for Thanksgiving (187!); Lady of the Manor (1882); The Old, Old Story (1884). Tuckerman, 4(51. EHRENBERG, WILLEM VAN (Wilhelm Schubert von Ehrenberg), born at Antwerp, baptized May 12, Ki.'iO (according to Van den Branden in Germany in 1(!.'!7), died there iu 1(575 or 167(5. Flemish school ; architecture painter, master of the guild in 11