Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/411

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JWRDALN Lexington, Ky., Aug. 10, 1827. Portrait painter ; educated a lawyer, served in war of 1812-14, and at its close opened a studio in Lexington ; in 1810 studied four months in Boston under Gilbert Stuart. He painted during bis short career more than 'MO por- traits, including among his sitters many distinguished persons. His full-length por- trait of Lafayette is in the capitol at Frank- fort, and a bust portrait of same is owned by Mrs. Pauline Rodes, Richmond, Ky. Other good examples of his work arc in Medals: 3d class, 1870; 2d class, 1881. Works : The Customer (187!)) ; Towing (1881); Departure of the Fishermen, Carpet Ba/aar in Cairo, Venice ; Baby's Sleep (1884); Lime-Kiln, A Cloud (1885). JOUKDAX, ADOLPHE, born at Nimcs, Aug. 4, 1S2"). Genre painter, pupil of Jala- bert ; skilful in painting flesh. Medals : 1804, 18(ii;, and ISC!). Works : Leda(lsr,4); Cupid's Secrets (1800); Venus and Cupid (ISO'.I); Meditation, Young Italian Mother, Pursuit (1874) ; Little Girl (187.")) ; Parting.

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f$Km^^ ^M^M^^m^^^^^:- , J *W r t--' ' . -1 * If ' V' ""^ ' ,J* I iU,,s v  ;*y 'i".Vi5 a^MWWa^^l 1% llsfeMife ^S^^.-^Sr r Coronation of Josephine, Louis David, Versailles possession of Landon Thomas. Frankfort ; John Mason Brown, Henry Pindell, W. C. Humphrey, Henry Sanders, Blanton Dun- can, Shelby Todd, R. J. Menefee, Louisville ; Mrs. Margaret Preston, Mrs. Judge Wood- ward, Mrs. Benjamin Grat/, Miss Mary Bullock, Robert Peter, Mrs. Oliver Fra/er, Mrs. George "NV. Norton, Lexington ; Robert J. Breckenridge, Danville ; A. J. Alexander. Spring Station, Ky. JOURDAIN, ROGER JOSEPH, born at Louviers (Eure), in Dec., 184.". Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Cabanel and Pils. Three Friends (1870) ; Breakfast at St. HO- IK >rat (18~7); On the Banks of the Gardon (1878); Venus, Nurse (18711); Mother and Child (1S8II) ; The. First, Step (1881); Girl with a Shell (1882) ; Woman Charming a Bird (1883); First Smiles, Study (1884); Uno Loge, Brindisi (1885) ; The Betrothed, Win. Astor, New York. Bcllicr, i. 841. JOURDAN, THEODORE, born at Salon (Bouches du Rhone), July 2!), 18:tl!. ( icnre painter, pupil in Paris of Loubon ; profeBsor of design in the Marseilles School of Art. Works : Winding Cocoons near Aries. S5'J