Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/417

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JIT LI EX who had built a hospital on the hanks of ;i dangerous river, in expiation of his involun- tary crime of slaying his parents, gives hos- pitality to a leper, who is landed from a boat ; in background, his wife, at the door of the hospital, gives bread to the poor. Scarcely had Julian put the stranger into his own bed when the sick man became radiant with light, and, informing his benefactor that his crime was forgiven, disappeared. Acquired by Ferdinand II. in Ki53 ; carried to Paris in 17!)!) ; returned in 1815. Engraved by L. Martelli Faentino ; F. Gregori ; (1. H. Le Villain ; (1. B. Gatti. Gal. du Pal. Pitti, iv. PI. 5 ; Landon, Musee, xiii. PI. 7 ; Ktruria Pittrice, ii. 72 ; Wicar, 4. JULIEN DE PARME. See Jidu-n, Si- mon. JULIEN, SIMON, born at Toulon. Oct. 28, 1735, died in Paris, Feb. 23, ISOO. Genre painter, pupil of Dandn'-Bardon, Carle Van Loo, and Natoire. When he joined Natoire's school the pupils of the other masters called him Julien the Apos- tate. He, afterwards styled himself Julien de Panne, after his patron the Duke of Parma. His best works are : Jupiter sleep- ing in Juno's Arms, Aurora leaving Tit honus, St. Anthony in Ecstasy, Triumph of Aure- lian (1783), and Portrait of Himself (178!)), Toulon Museum. Bellier, i. 841> ; Gaz. des B. Arts (18<;<;), xxi. 'Ml ; Laroussc. JULIUS II., POPI-l, portrait, AV/y ,/,,/, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; wood, H. .'5 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. H in. Nearly full face, with full white beard and moustaches, seated in an arm-chair, with a handkerchief in his right hand. Julius II. (1503-13), previously Car- dinal della Kovere, began present Church of St. Peter, Rome. Painted in Home about 1511 or 1512, formerly in S. M. del Popolo, Rome ; carried to Paris in 17'J!) ; returned in 1815. Replica in National Gallery, Lon- don, purchased in 1824 with Angerstein Collection ; another in the Uftizi, which came with Victoria della Rovere, when she married Ferdinand II. de' Medici. Passa- vant thinks the Pitti picture the original, but now many connoisseurs pronounce in favour of the one in the Uttizi. Cartoon in Palazzo Corsini, Florence. Engraved by Daverio ; G. Ghisi. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 338 ; Miintz, 38<! ; Passavant, ii. !)3 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, i. PI. !)1 ; Filhol, i. PI. <J5 ; Springer, I'.ll. JUNCKER, JUSTUS, born at Mentz in 1703, died at Frankfort in 17<>7. German school; still-life, portrait, genre, and land- scape painter, pupil at Frankfort of Hugo Schlegel ; subsequently formed himself after Thomas Wyck, De Heem, and Van Huysuni; worked some time in London, and settled at Frankfort in 172<>. Works : Breakfast (2), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Scholar in his Study, Artist at his Easei, Old Man Reading, Kitchen-pieces (3), Cassel Gallery; Fruit- pieces (i!), Darmstadt Museum; Scholar in his Study (1754), Stiidcl Gallery, Frankfort ; Calm Sea with Vessels and many Figures, Stuttgart Gallery. JUNDT, (JUST AVK, born at Strasburg, June 21, 1830, died May 14, 1SJS4. Genre painter and caricaturist, pupil of Gnerin, Drolling, and Biennourry. A clever ami faithful delineator of Alsatian peasant life. First exhibited in Salon of 185U. Medals : 18IJ8 ; 3d class, 187:! ; L. of Honour, 1880. Works: Village Festival (185C) ; Near a Fountain ; Alpine Strawberries ; Mayflowers; Marguerites; Church-Time (1808); Rainy Weather in the Swiss Oberland, St. Anne's .Money, Returning from the Pilgrimage (1874); Cutting Hair at a Fair in Auvergne (1870); Sunday Morning; Time for the Wedding ; Billets of Wood, Philosopher's Walk at Monaco (187'.)); Returning from the Wedding, The Gleaner (1880) ; Return- ing, Nice surprised by Snow (1881) ; Aurora, Twilight (1882) ; The First Rays, In the Woods (1883). Menard, L'Art en Alsace- Lorraine ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xviii. 531 ; Kunst-Chronik, xix. 551. JUNGHEIM, KARL, born at Dilsseldorf, Feb. (!, 1830, died there, June 0, 188C. Landscape painter, pupil of Schirmer and Schadow ; travelled in the Tyrolese and 365