Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/426

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KAPPIS hibits at the National Academy. Studio in New York. Works in oil : His Pipe and His Paper (1879); Village Oracle (1880); Preparing Dinner (1881); Is this Life worth Living? (1882), T. B. Clarke, New York; An Interior (1883). Water-colours: Closing Hymn ; My Aunt Sapphira (1884). KAPPIS, ALP.EET, born in Tubingen ; contemporary. Landscape and genre paint- er, studied in Tiibingen and in Munich ; in 1SSO was made professor at Art-School in Stuttgart. Works : Suabian Village Scene (ISC,:!); Harvest Scene, Summer, View in Black Forest (180(1 ); Vintage in Suabia ; Hemp Harvest in Suabia (1808); Bathing Weather in Holland ; Potato Harvest ; Harvest Afternoon ; Idyl on Chiem Lake ; In Vintage Time ; Threshing Machine in Farm-Yard ; Fish-Market (1.S77). Kuust- Chronik, xv. Oil ; Miiller, 292. KARGEK, KARL, born in Vienna, Jan. 30, 1H48. Genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy ; won the gold me- dal in 1807, then studied under and assisted Engerth in the paintings for the new opera house ; moved to Munich in 1871 and visited Italy in 1873. Works : Post Station (1873); Scene at Railway Station (1875), Vienna Museum ; Levying of Taxes, Street Scene in Venice, Graben in Vienna (1877), Emperor of Austria. Meyer, C'onv. Lex., xxi. 491 ; Miiller, 292 ; Zeitsch., xiii. 31. KARGLING - PACKER, HENRIETTE, born in Pesth about 1830. Portrait, genre, and still life painter, daughter and pupil of the portrait painter Johann Tobias Kiirg- ling (born at Augsburg, Feb. 9, 1780, died at Pesth, April 11, 1845); studied after- wards in the Imperial Galleries in Vienna, where she settled after her marriage to the pianist Pacher, having worked for many years in Pesth. Her portraits were in great demand. Works : Grandmother (1851) ; Garland with Religious Emblems (1852); Little Violet-Trader (1855) ; Grapes and Melon, Flowers around Crucifix (1855). Wurzbach, x. 351. KARSSEN, KASPARUS, born at Amster- dam, April 2, 1810. Landscape and city views painter, pupil of Pieter George Wes- tenberg (born 1791) and of Hendrik Gen-it ten Cate (born 1803). Member of Amster- dam Academy iu 183G. Visited Westphalia and the banks of the Rhine in 1837. Works : Interior of Old Exchange at Amsterdam (1837), Museum, Amsterdam ; City Views (2), Museum Fodor, ib. Immerzeel, ii. 90. KASELOWSKI, AUGUST (THEODOR), born in Potsdam, April 20, 1810. History painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under W. Hensel ; won first prize in 1830, went to Paris and studied under Cogniet until 1840, then to Home, whence he visited Naples, Palermo, Florence, and Venice ; returned to Berlin in 1850 ; during the years follow- ing visited Spain, Greece, Turkey, and Eng- land, and then became pi'ofessor at the Berlin Academy. Works : Contest of Two Shepherds on the Flute (1830); Acquittal i of Susanna ; Christ on Mount of Olives (1854), St. Andrew's, Berlin ; Baptism of Christ ; Resurrection ; Entombment (1800); I Christ and Disciples at Emmaus ; Tobias and the Angel Raphael ; Cupid Listening ; ( Ihrist blessing the Children ; Albanian Wo- man at Prayer, Stettin Museum. Fresco : Prophets Elijah and Ezekiel, Chapel of Royal Palace, Berlin ; Paintings in New Berlin Museum. Kunstbl. (1854), 203, 361 ; (1855), 270 ; (1850), 430 ; Miiller, 292 ; Rosenberg, Berliner Malerschule, 84. KATE, HERMAN (FREDERIK CAREL) TEN, born at The Hague, Feb. 1C, 1822. Genre painter, pupil in Amsterdam of Cor- nells Kruseman ; won a medal at the Acad- emy there when nineteen, went to Paris for one year, returned to Amsterdam, and set- tled at The Hague. Honorary member of Rotterdam Academy in 1850. Works : Cal- 374