Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/437

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KEY8ER Alms, The Giaour, Murino Falieri, Milton Daughter (1<!28), Portrait of Cornells do dictating Paradise Lost, Dante at the Con- Graef, do. of Catiiritia Hooft, Berlin Muse- vent-gate, Last Moments of Karl Maria von uin ; Portrait of Man and Wife, Copenhagen Weber (last three, 1858), King of Belgium ; Gallery ; Mali; and Female Portrait (1<>47), Francis L visiting Benvenuto Cellini's Work- Darmstadt Museum; Two Cavaliers on shop, Museum Fodor, Amsterdam ; Albert Horseback, Dresden Museum ; Family and Isabella attending Lecture by Justus Group in a Landscape, Gotha Museum; Lipsius at Louvain, Baron van Heeckeren, Young Man's Portrait, Kunsthalle, Hain- The Hague ; Columbus with his Sun leav- burg ; Clerk explaining Accounts to Lady ing Barcelona ; Tasso in Prison; Dante in (I (!">( i). Old Pinakothek, Munich; Married the Studio of Giotto; Invention of Plastic Couple in a Park, Scliwerin Gallery; Male Arts; Charlemagne weeping at Sight of Portrait, Oldenburg Gallery; do. (I'lIi'J), Norman Ships ; Entombment (18GO) ; Cari- Hermitage, St. . T tas ; Charles V. after Taking of Tunis deliv- Petersburg; do., * I ' I T eriug Christian Slaves, Lady's 1'ortrait Liechtenstein R) r) f^V (18(12), Antwerp Museum ; Portraits of King Gallery. Vienna. ^0 *** & Leopold I. and (,)ucen Louise, Senate Cham- -Allgem. d. Biogr., xv. (j'Jl ; L'Art (1> S 77|, ber, Brussels ; Fresco, Development of Art ii. 77; l.urger, Musees, i. '2'- ; Immer- in Brabant (1864-66), Vestibule, Antwerp /eel, ii. 1(17 ; Kranmi, iii. hd!l ; Kugler Museum. Art Journal (1866), 5 ; Immer- (Crowe), ii. Ii57: Nagler, Mon., v. 125 ; Uie- zeel, ii. 108; .Journal des 15. Arts (1.SC5), gel, P,citrage, i. 146, 152; Stuers, (II. 11!); (1872), 171, P.)l ; Kranmi, iii. 8(15; KICK, JAN, llourished about 1610-50. vii. 94; Larousse, ix. IP.tS; Messager iles Dutch school; genre painter, probably sciences, etc. (18:57), i. ; Kiegel, Wandmal- formed under the influence of Dirk Hals and erei, 71! ; Soust, LY-cole d'Anvers en lS.~>,s, Jacob Duck. Was perhaps the father of the 28 ; Vlaamsche school (, I'.l, 58. Mower painter Cornells Kick of Amsterdam KEYSEU, THOMAS DK, born in Amster-(li;:!.V 75). Works: Soldiers resting in a dam in 15',)(! or 1597, died there, buried Stable (l(i IS), Berlin Museum ; Similar Snb- Nov. It), 1()7D. Dutch school, history, ject. Wilhelm (lUinprecht, Berlin ; Soldiers genre, and portrait pointer ; his small pict- at Cards in a Barn (V attributed to Jan In ures are very characteristic, but the large Duccj), National Gallery, Edinburgh ; Young ones less original. His portraits, which are OMicer in a Landscape, Peter von SemenotV, truthful, and of warm clear colouring, ap- St. Petersburg; lleturn from Falcon Cha^i pear to have inlluenced Eemlirandt when (attributed to Van der Heist), Count Moltke, the latter came to Amsterdam in !(!.'{ 1. Copenhagen; Travellers attacked by Ban- Works : Merchant and Clerk (1(527), National Gallery, London ; Male Portrait (Ki:U), Ver- dits, Mrs. Hope, London. Bode, Studien, 15:5. sallies Museum; Female Portraits (2), Brns- 1 KIEDERICH, PAl'L JOSEF, born in sels Museum ; Family Group, Admiral Hein, Cologne, Sept. 15, 18011, died in Diisseldorf, do. and Family, Pieter Schout (1666), Mar- April 4, 1850. History and portrait painter, ten Key and Wife (16'27), Museum, Amster- pupil at Cologne of Kunt/ and DeNoi'l, and dam ; Anatomy Lesson (101!)), Members of of the Diisseldorf Academy (18!!2). His Civic Guard (1M3), Theseus and Ariadne, peculiar, chronicler-like style gives his works City Hall, ib.; Portrait of Claes Fabricius no little interest. Works: Charles V. at San (1629), Haarlem Museum; Portrait of a Yuste (18:55); Death of Jean de Lavalette Magistrate (1631), Four Burgomasters of (1840), National Gallery, Berlin ; Emperor Amsterdam (1638), Hague Museum ; Fain- Frederick II. and Peter de Vim-is (1844); ily Group, Old Man and Sou, Old Lady and Portraits of Henry V. (Frankfort), Philip the SM