Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/441

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KISS KISS, THROWING A (Baiser Envoy.'), Jean Baptiste Greuze, Alfred de Rothschild Collection, London. A lady, seen half- length, at a window hung with curtains, throwing a kiss with her right hand ; her left holds a paper lying on the window-sill. One of the painter's best works. Art Jour- nal (1885), 217. KLEIN, JOHANN ADAM, born in Nu- remberg, Nov. 24, 1792, died in Munich, May 21, 1875. Genre, landscape, and ani- w

v -K/v-v , i " , -/ / / . <,,.,* f Throwing a Kiss, Jean Baptiste Greuze, Alfred de Rothschild. London. mal painter, studied first in Nuremberg under J. Caspar van Bominel and A. Gabler, then from 1811 at the Vienna Academy ; after living in Frankfort, Vienna, Rome, Naples, and Nuremberg, settled in Munich in 18157. His compositions are full of life and variety. Member of Munich Academy .in 1807. Works : On the Danube ; Market iScene ; Berchtesgaden ; Halt before an Inn : Span of Oxen in Campagna (1821), Gotha Museum ; Hungarian Carters (1828), Wal- lachian Freight- Wagon (182!)), Animal- Tamers before Tavern (1830), National Gal- lery, Berlin ; (1821), Gotha Museum ; Field Smithy, View on Bridge of Salara near Home (1821), Schleissheim Gallery ; View on the Tiber near Rome (1822), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Russian Freight-wagon and Cos- sacks, Hunting Dog (1823), Wall Ruins, Freight-wagon with Seven Horses (1850), Germanic Museum, Nuremberg; Wallachian Carters Resting on the Danube (1834-38), Ki'inigsberg Museum ; ^^ __^ Gypsy Camp (lK5(i), L /ff f Kunsthalle, Hamburg. CC/J . fa / 17 All-cm. ,1. Biogr., xvi. ^^ VtCf/( ' 05; Dioskuren (18C.2), 103; Illustr. /.eitg. ( 1*75). i. 471 ; Jordan (1HS5), ii. 117 ; Kunst- Chronik, xi. 270 ; liegnet. i. 2S7. KLEIN, JOHAXX (EVANGELIST), born in Vienna in ]H2:i. Fresco painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Fiihrich. Went for a short time to Venice, and then stud- ied Byzantine and medieval wall-paintings in monasteries and churches in the Buko- wina, in Carinthia, Soest, Brunswick, Cra- cow, and in and near Vienna. Member of, and professor at. Vienna Academy. Works : Wall-Paintings in Episcopal Chapel at C/er- nowitz and in St. Mary's on Capitol at Co- logne; (ilass Paintings in St. Antonio's, Padua, in St. Stephen's, Vienna, in Kcmp- ten and Klten on the Rhine, in Miinster, IJochold and Lddinglmuscn, Westphalia; in Cathedral at Lin/, in Nancy, in Hungary, etc. Miiller, 200; Wur/.bach, xii. 51). KLEIN, WILHKLM. born in Diisseldorf in 1S21. Landscape painter, jmpil of Diis- seldorf Academy under Scliirmer ; j>erfected himself on journeys through various parts of Germanv, in Tvrol. Switzerland, North Italy, Belgium, and Holland. Works : Wood I .landscape (18 It); Mountainous Landscape ( 1S45), Brunswick Art Union ; Winter Land- scape, Provinxial Museum, Hanover ; Rocky Valley (1852), Diisseldorf Art I'nion ; Forest Brook (1853), Kimigsberg Art I'nion ; Kind's Oak near Arnsberg, Inn Valley (1855); Road to Village, Cologne Art I'nion ; Carters' Tav- ern (1858), Berlin Art Union ; Lake Garda (1858); Inn Valley (1850); View in the En- gadin (18(i3); Sea-Coast, Liege Art Union; Winter in Tyrol (1KI15), Jircmcn Art Union ; Weinburg (18(i8); Luke Hechtsee in Bavaria; 38