Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/453

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KOETS Allgem. (1. Biogr., xvi. 4fifi ; Allgem. Zeitg., April 2, 1871, Beilage, 92. KOETS, ROELOF, born at Zwolle in 165(5, died there in 1725. Dutch school ; portrait painter, pupil of Gerard Terburg ; was much employed by Henry Casimir of Nassau, Stadtholder of Friesland, and after- wards by William III., and is s;iid to have painted five thousand portraits. Works: Portrait of Henry Casimir of Nassau, Am- sterdam and Antwerp Museums ; Female Portrait, Lille Museum. Immer/oel, ii. 127. KOHL, LUDWKl, born in Prague, April 14, 1746, died there, June IK, 1821. His- tory painter, pupil of Vienna Academy, of which he was made member in ITli'.t, and in 1775 professor at the newly-erected Model School in Prague. Honorary member of Parma Academy, 177:3. Works: Dido, Cleopatra, St. Aretius (17H7) ; Virginius stabbing his Daughter (I7l>lt); Adoration of the Cross (1770), Prague Gallery; Joseph's Dream, Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (1771); Nativity (17715); Madonna (1775); St. James (177(i); St. Barbara (177!)); Tarcjuin and Lucretia (1780) ; Death of Lucretia, Solo- mon iu Idolatry (17K5) ; Trinity (178(1) ; Hannibal's Oath, Cupid and Psyche, Temple of Hygeia, Three Graces, Socrates in Prison (1801) ; Abstinence of Scipio, Gothic Church, Rittersaal, Gothic Tomb, Schlosskirche in Prague, Coronation Hall at Prague, Interior of Schlosskirche (1803) ; St. Bartholomew (1812); St. Cecilia, Magdalen, Catherine, John Baptist, Susanna, Joseph in Egypt, Queen Zenobia, Crucifixion, Entombment (before 1818) ; Assembly of the Notables in Coronation Hall at Prague. Allgem. d. Biogr., xvi. 428 ; Wuiv.bach, Biogr. Lex., xii. 292. KOHLER, CHRISTIAN, born at Werben, Altmark, Oct. 13, 1809, died at Moutpellier, Jan., 18G1. History and portrait painter, pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy under Schadow, of whose school he became one of the foremost artists. Works : Rebekah at the Well (1833) ; Song of Miriam (1837), Cologne Museum; Poetry (1838) ; Semira- mis (1843) ; Hagar and Ishmael (1844), Ddsseldorf Gallery ; Finding of Moses ; Ex- posure of Moses ; Triumph of David ; Su- sanna ; Romeo and Juliet ; Gretchen at the Spinning- Wheel ; Mignou ; Germania with the Genius of Liberty (184!>), New York Historical Society ; Semiramis (1852), Na- tional Gallery, Berlin ; Portrait of Ferd. Killer. Allgem. d. Biogr., xvi. 438 ; Wolfg. Miiller, Diisseld. K.. 34 ; Wiegiuann, 139. KoHXHOL/. JfLIl'S, l)orn in Bremen, March 7, 1S3'.I. Landscape painter, self- taught in Munich and on travels in Italy, Tyrol, and in the Austrian and Bavarian Alps. Medal in London (1874). Works: Storm on Lake Constance (1871) ; Sirocco Storm on Coast of Genoa- (1872); Evening on Riviera di Ponente, Traun Lake (1S73); Storm on Italian Coast ; Lake Garda near Malcesine. -Miiller, 305. KOKEN. EDMl'ND, born at Hanover, June 4, 1S14, died there, Oct. 3d, 1S71 Landscape painter, studied at the Polytech- nic School in Hanover and then in Munich (lSli(i 44), where he was especially allied with Kreling and much influenced by Kott- mann. Works: Great Wood Landscape, Cottage on a Pond, Landscape with Fig- ures, Evening Landscape, Street about Christmas Time, Twelve Cartoons of Land- scapes, Provin/ial Museum, Hanover ; Sev- eral in Royal Gallery, ib. Allgem. d. Biogr., xvi. 455. KOKEN, Gl'STAV, born in Hanover, Aug. 8, 1850. Landscape painter, pupil in Hanover of his uncle, Edmund Koken ami in Weimar of Theodor Hagen. Works: Winter Landscape (1877) ; Heatli (187H) ; Evening Landscape in Thuringia (1879) ; Wall Paintings in Villa Htlgel, Hanover. Leix- ner, D. mod. K., i. 58; ii. 117; Mailer, 305. KOKEN, PAUL, born in Hanover, Jan. 2, 1853. Landscape painter, son of, and first instructed by, Edmund Koken, then studied in Munich under the influence of Lier and in Weimar under that of Theodor Hagen ; travelled on the Rhine, in South Germany, 401