Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/470

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KYIIN Crown. Works : Stags after Fight ; Great Wood-Landscape (1855) ; Stag Hunt (185G), Brussels Museum ; Maternal Love, Little Crab-Catchers (18G2) ; Stags Fighting; St. Bernard Dog and Badger Dog ; The Dragon- nades under Louis XIV. ; Sunset Landscape with a Train of Cavaliers ; Huguenots taking Refuge in the Woods ; View in Forest of Fon tainebleau, Rotterdam Museum ; Cuiras- siers on their Way to Fontaineblcau ; Two Hunting Pieces in Costumes of 16th Cen- tury ; Stag-Hunt in 16th Century ; Chase in Forest near Ghent (185fi) ; Stag and Hind in Moonlight (1870) ; Herd of Stags (1873) ; Fox Terrier (1880). Kranim, iii. 923 ; vii. 97; Miiller, 314; Nagler, Mon., iv. 504. KYHX, (PETERf VILHELM (KARL), horn in Copenhagen, March 30, 1819. Land- scape painter, pupil of Copenhagen Acad- emy ; member in 1870 ; visited France and Italy in 1850. Works : Coast on Isle of Born- holm (1843), Aarhus Museum ; Coast at Sun- set after Rain, Ruins of Hammershus Castle (1844) ; Frederiksborg Castle, Woods in the Spring (1845) ; View near Jaegerspris (1848), Winter Evening in the Woods (1853), Coast View near Taarbeck (1855), View near Horsens (1858), Summer Evening (18G3), Summer Day (1869), Late Summer Evening in Jutland (1874), Copen- hagen Gallery ; Winter Afternoon on the Sound ; Moonlight Landscape (1876). Si- gurd Miiller, 204; Weilbach, 389. us F.NO OF VOLUME IF.