Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/69

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FABRIANO queathed to the city the collection called IV., which have :ill perished. Among his after him, the Musee Fabre. Works: No- other works are: Coronation of the Virgin optolemus and Ulysses taking from Philoc- with Saints, and a predella with live sub- tetes the Arrows of Hercules, Louvre ; Death jects, Brera, Milan ; Virgin adoring the In- of Abel, Holy Family, Death of Narcissus, fant Jesus, hull of the Pia Casa, and Adora- Musee Fabre, Montpellier ; Portrait of Alii- tion of the M:i!_;i, S. Domenieo, Pisa ; Virgin eri, do. of Countess of Albany, Ulli/.i, Flor- enthroned with Saints and a Donor, Berlin ence ; Judgment of Paris ; Death of Milo ; Museum. C. A: C., Italy, iii. '.>">, N. Italy, i. Family of Kings of Ktruria (1804), Madrid 100 ; Vasari, ed. Mil , iii. 5, 15 ; Bernascoui, Museum. Villot, Cat. Louvre. Studii, 51 ; Burckhardt, 555, 588 ; Ch. Blanc, FABRIANO, GKNTILK DA, born at Fab- Keolc ombrieiine ; Si ret, :!58 ; Cibo. Niccol;. riano in 1370 (?), died in Home in 1450 (?). Ahumo e la Scuola Umbra (Itoina, 1872). 'JO, Umbrian school. Real name Gentile di Nic- 5:!; Liihke. Gcsch. ital. Mai., i. 2L'i. colo di Giovanni Massi. Pupil probably of FABKITIUS, JIKKNAKT, born about Allegretto Xuzi, who died when Gentile was 1020, died after lOO'.t. Dutch school; liis- fifteen years old ; has been called both master fury and portrait painter, pupil of l{cm- and pupil of Fra Angelico, but rather on ac- brand!, whom in his portraits lie imitated count of a certain superficial resemblance successfully; received into guild at Leydeii between them than from any real affinity, in 1058. Works : 1'ortrait of Young Man He left Fabriano some time before 1521 to (1050), Birth of John Baptist (lli(ill), Stadel become court-painter to Paudolfo Malatesta, Gallery, Frankfort ; Goliath ( 1057), Camber- for whom he decorated a chapel at Brescia, lyn Collection, Brussels; St. Peter in House Thence Gentile probably went to Venice to of Cornelius <105:>i, Brunswick Museum; paint a fresco of the battle between Doge Presentation in the Temple (1008), Copen- Ziani and Otho, son of Barbarossa, in the hagen Gallery ; Herodias receiving the Head Hall of the Grand Council, Palazzo Ducale, of John the Baptist, Amsterdam Museum destroyed by lire in 1574. Jacopo Bellini (under Drost); Bust of Shepherd, Vienna was his pupil there and accompanied him in Academy ; Adoration of Shepherds, Birth of 1422 to Florence, where Gentile painted, John Baptist, Cassel Gallery; Portrait, of the next year, his most famous picture, the Young Man (1050), (?) Old Piuakothek, Adoration of the Mnr/i, now in the Academy, Munich ; Family Repast (1050), Alchymist n work which entitles him to be called the in his Laboratory, Stockholm Museum. Umbrian Fra Angelico. Like him, Gentile Hiegel, Beitr.ige, ii. 2S4 ; Burger, Musees, paints in the spirit of the old school, with ii. 100, 170 ; Xeitschr. f. b. K., iii. 2'.)0 ; xvi. the gay colouring of tho early Umbrian 404 ; Gax. des B. Arts (HS(>()), viii. 1S(> ; masters, the profuse use of gilt relief orna- (1804), xvi. 77 ; (Is05), xviii. 80 ; (1874), . meut, and the somewhat formal system of 40S ; Havard, A. it A. Holl., iv. 5!! ; Jour, composition peculiar to the Florentines be- des B. Arts (1808), l:{, 27. fore Masaccio ; but pleasing and poetical as FABRITIUS, KAKKL, born in 1021. the result is, Gentile shows in it none of the killed Oct. 12, 1654, by the explosion of a deep mystical fervour of Angelico, and in powder magazine at Delft, while painting this more nearly resembles Beuozzo Go/./.oli the portrait of Simon Decker, sacristan of than his master. Among his other works the old church. Dutch school ; pupil of Gentile painted a charming fresco of the llcmbrandt and painter of the first order, Madonna at Orvieto (142G), being on his especially in portraits. AVorks : Male Por- way to Rome. He remained in the latter trait, Rotterdam Museum ; do., Berlin Mu- city until his death, and executed many mas- scum ; do. (attributed), Cologne Museum; terpieces for Popes Martiu V. and Eugeiiius The Gold Finch (1054), Aremberg Gallery, 37