Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/77

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FAUSTNER FAUSTNER, LEONHAED, born in Mu- nich, Feb. 1C, 1815, died there, April 1, 1884. Architecture and landscape painter, pupil of Munich Academy, and of the ani- mal painter Moritz Lost-he ; then studied glass painting under Ainmiller, who em- ployed him in the royal manufactory of stained glass, and after whoso death he was made its director. His highly esteemed oil paintings are mostly in private collections. His son Luitpold, burn in Munich, July 10, 1845, is a good landscape painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Piloty. Kunst- Chrouik, xix. 484. History and genre painter, pupil of the D.'is- seldorf Academy in 18IM-41, then studied three years in Munich, and two years in Paris under Paul Delaroche. After his re- turn to Diisseldorf he painted Italian sub- jects exclusively, though he did not visit Italy until the latter part of his life. Works : St. Gangolfs Well (ls:iT); (icnovcfa (1K:!S) ; Samson and Delilah (IKH'.I), Cologne Muse- um ; Cleopatra (1841); Scene from Faust; llomeo and Juliet (184(1); Christmas, Kunst- halle, Hamburg. Allgem. d. P>iogr., vi. .".(Ml ; Ulanckarts, !)i) ; Kunst-Chronik, x. (1U7 ; V. Miiller, Dilsseldf. K., 71 ; Wiegmann. :i(H>. &&* IB m/AFr* * A-i

jJSpBf.JSS Li*$saJw ^^ f*^' Feast m House of Levi (Luke v. 29), FAUVELET, JEAN, born at Bordeaux, I June 19, 1819. Genre and flower painter,

pupil of Lacour the younger. Has not ex- hibited in Salon since 1869. Medal, 2d class, 1848. Works : Young Man Reading (1845); Concert, Two Roses (1847) ; Indifference (1848); Sculptor (1850), Luxembourg Muse- um ;DrawingTeaclier (1852); Garden (1S.~>:!); Young Mothers, Two Female Musicians (1855), Luxembourg Museum ; Amateur, Fireside (1857); Van Loo, Agreeable Doc- tor (1859); Three Ages, Seamstress, Guitar- Player (1861); Smoker, Family Meal (1863); Book of Ruth, Pleaders (1864); Karel Du- jardin, Flowers (1865); Prodigal Son (1869). FAY, JOSEF, bom in Cologne, Aug. 10, 1813, died in Dusseldorf, July 27, 1875. FE.YKNLEY, THOMAS, born at F.vd- crickshall, Norway, Dec. 27, 1S02 (Feb. 1804?), died in 'Munich, Jan. 16, 1SJ2. Landscape painter, trained in the art-school at Christian!* (1821), at the Copenhagen Academy, and under Dahl at Dresden. Travelled in Italy, Kngland, and Northern Europe, before settling at Munich in 1SH. Works: View of Copenhagen (l<S2:i); The Marumelf, Justeldas Glacier, Duck-Shoot- ing on the Konigsee (1H28 ;iO); Homsdal- horn, Babrofall near Kongsberg, Grindcl- wald Glacier (18:(6-:t8); Waterfall near Sawmill, View near Vindliellen, (ttidvangen, Sorrento, View of Babrofall (18:i'.l); Ma- dumsfall, Castellamare, Moonlight (1840); G ravens Fjord (18^!)), Norwegian Land- 45