Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/81

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FELTUE pil of Waldmitller, then in Paris of Cogniet ; travelled extensively, and settled in Vienna in 1868. Works: The First Friend, Vi- ' enna Museum ; Painter's Studio ; Little Congratulators ; Falconer ; Pun with Bac- chantes ; Portraits of Professor Rokitansky, of Anton Rubinstein, and of Duke Philii> of | Wiirtemberg. Meyer, Conv. Lox., xviii. MID; Zeitschr. f. b. K., viii. (Mittheilungen, i. 4!!). FELTKE. See Murtn da Feltre. FELU, CHARLES, born in Belgium in 1820. Born without arms, but learned to draw with his right foot, and having made a fine sketch in pen and ink, was admitted in 1859 to the Antwerp Academy, where he learned to paint. Chiefly copies other mas- ters, but also paints good portraits, among which that of the actress Victoria Lafontaine is notable. Works: Widow Wadmaii and Uncle Toby, William Warner, Philadelphia. FEMME COUCHFiE, Jules Joseph /.<- ft-liure, William Astor, New York ; canvas. H. 5 ft. x 10 ft. Female figure, full-length, nude, lying, with back to the spectator, upon crimson cushions, the head resting upon the left hand ; only the profile of the face is seen, as she glances towards a per- fume-burner near her feet. Art Treasures of America, ii. 70. By Jules Joseph Lefebvre, Alexandra Du- mas, Paris ; canvas. Female figure, full- length, nude, lying, on right side, front to spectator, on cushions covered with drapery, the right hand doubled up under the chin, the left extended along the back of the lounge. Painted in 18(J5. Study in col- our (12 in. x 18 in.), John Wolfe, New York. Art Treasures of America, ii. 54, 5f>. FENDI, PETER, born in Vienna,.Hcr.t. 4, 1790, died there, Aug. 28, 1842. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of the Vi- enna Academy under Fischer, Haubert, Maurer, and Lampi ; visited Venice in 1821, and received the gold medal for his view of the Grotto of Corgnole near Trieste. Works: Archduke Ferdinand and Philippine Welser; Eginliard and Emma ; Girl in front of Lot- tery Shop (1829), Vienna Museum ; Officer's Widow ; Seizures ; Cloister with Worship- pers ; Girl at Post-Office ; Inundation Scene ; Emperor Francis and the Sentry ; Poor Fiddler ; Christmas Eve ; Milkmaid ; Morn- ing Prayer ; Portrait Group of Imperial Family (1K:!4). Allgem. d. Biogr., vi. CIS. FERABOSCO (Foraboseo), (ilROLAMO, born at Padua, flourished in Venice about Ki.'iO-IKI. Venetian school ; history and portrait painter, considered one of the best Venetian artists of his time. Especially ex- celled in portraits. Works: Young Woman sei/ed by the Hand of Death, Dresden Gallery; David, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vi- enna. Ltui/.i (Roseoe), ii. 252. FEPiG, FRAN/ DE PAULA, born in Vi- enna, May 2, KJS'.l, died in London in 17 Id. German school; genre; and landscape painter, pupil of Joseph Orient and Hans Graf. Went to Dresden in 1718 and to London in 1724. 'Works: Two Italian Market Scenes, Vienna Museum; Towerlike Buildings with Bridge, Ruins with Bridge and Figures, Buildings on Lake with Figures, Landscape itli Bridge, Landscape with Figures, all in Dresden Gallery; Marine, Cassel Gallerv ; Four Seasons, Market Scene, Rural Fea^f, 'Brunswick Museum ; Landscapes with Itnins and Figures (2), Market Scenes (2). Knnst- ' hallo, Hamburg. Allgem. d. Miogr., i. 711; Ch. Blanc, Ecole allemande ; Wnrz- bach, iv. 184. FERGUSON, HENRY A., born at Glens Falls, X. Y., Jan. 14, 1S42. Landscape and architecture painter, studied in Paris and Rome (1K7(!-7H), having previously spent three years in Chili (1S7D 7:i), where In- painted local scenery with success. Went from Venice to Egypt in 1S7K, returned to New York in 1S7!, visited Mexico in 11SS1, and Europe again in 18K4. Elected A.N.A. in 1885. Studio in New York. Works: Baths of Caucanies (1H7M), replica, Lake Aculeo, View on Doule River Ecuador ; Morning in Peruvian Andes (1K74) ; Street of Bab-el-Nasr Cairo, Chimborazo, En- trance to Rug Bazaar Cairo (1H80); Dogana and Ducal Palace Venice (1882), Mrs. T. A. 49