Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/86

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FEYEX (18(55), Hafiz at, the Fountain, Idyl from Tivoli, Roman Family Scene, Portrait of Nanna, Schack Gallery, Munich ; Medea preparing for Flight (1870), New Pinako- thek, ib. ; Medea brooding over Infanticide (1871) ; Boys and Dryad (1805), Medea mourning over the Urn (1873) ; Banquet of Plato (18(57); Orpheus and Eurydice (1870); Iphigeniii (1871), Stuttgart Gallery ; Gyp- sies dancing in the Woods, Judgment of Paris (1870), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Battle of Amazons (1872); Romeo and Juliet ; Mel- ancholy ; Prometheus ; Banquet of Plato (1873); Concert of Venetian Girls (1879). Brockhaus, vi. 751 ; Graph. K., iii. 1 ; Kunst-Clmmik, xv. 238; xvii. 393, 429, 459 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1880), i. 88 ; ii. 504 ; N. illustr. Zeitg. (1880), i. 250 ; Schack, Meinc Geniiildcsammlung, 95; Zeitschr. f. b. K, viii. 1G1. FEYEN, EUGENE, born at Bey-sur- Seille (Meurthe), Nov. 13, 1815. Genre painter, pupil of P. Delaroche ; paints fish- ermen in a very attractive way. Medals : 18(i(5 ; 2d class, 1880 ; L. of Honour, 1881. Works : Street Musicians, Promenade in the Park (1860) ; Souvenirs, Idyl on a Wall (18G8); Gleaners of the Sea (1872), Luxem- bourg Museum ; Oyster-Fishing at Caucale, Bull-Head Fish, On the Shore (1874); Res- cued Child, Fisherman's Return (1879); Can- cale Fishwives returning in a Boat, Nurse Asleep (1880); Fishing on Foot for Oysters, Fishermen's Departure (1881); Harvesters Resting, Low Tide (1882); Fishing, Repair- ing the Nets (1883); Departure for Fishing, Fisherman's Wife (1884); Before the Storm, Bay of Caucale (1885). FEYEN-PERRIN, (FRANCOIS NICO LAS) AUGUSTIN, born at Bey-sur-Seille in 1829. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of L. Cogniet and Yvon. Medals : 1 8(55 ; 18G7 ; 3d class, 1874 ; L. of Honour, 1878. Works : Return to the Cottage (1855); Charon's Boat (1857), Nancy Museum ; Dante's Circle of the Voluptuous (1859); Venetian Festival (1861); The Muse of Beranger (1863), Dr. Velpeau's Lesson in Anatomy, On the Beach (1864); The Elegy, Finding the Body of Charles the Bold after the Battle of Nancy (1865) ; Women of Batz Island waiting for the Ferry (1866) ; Woman winnow- ing Grain (1867); Wreck of the Evening Star (1868); Circle of ^7 /. the Stars (1869); Melancholy (1870) ; Spring- Time (1872) ; Cancale Women at the Spring, Return from Market (1873), Return of the Oyster-Fishers (1874), Luxembourg Muse- um ; Cancale Women (1876) ; Parisian Woman at Cancale (1877) ; Death of Orphe- us (1878) ; Women knitting by the Sea (1879) ; Return from Fishing at Low Tide (1880) ; Astarte, Fishing on Foot (1881) ; Drunkenness, The Corniche Road (1882); Spring-Time, Dancing by Twilight (1883); Armorica, The Bath (1884); Remorse, The Bath (1885). Meyer, Conv. Lex., xviii. 318. FIACCO (Flacco), ORLANDO, born in Verona, flourished about 1560. Venetian school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Francesco Torbido, ac- __ , _., cording to others, of Badile ; I I H H praised by Vasari especially ^-' ! ,*- ' for his portraits. Works : Ecce Homo, Crucifixion, S. Xazario, Verona. Lanzi (Roscoe), ii. 208 ; Nagler, iv. 310. FIALETTI, ODOARDO, born in Bologna i in 1573, died in Venice in 1638. Venetian school ; history painter, pupil of Gio. Bat- tista Cremonini at Bologna and of Tinto- retto in Venice, where most of his paintings are to be found. Works : Crucifixion, S. Croce, Venice ; others in S. I* S~ Marco, Venice, and S. An- V~/ , T^ drea, Murano ; Senators of Venice in Senate House, Hampton Court Palace. Lanzi (Roscoe), ii. 195 ; Nagler, iv. 310. 54