Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/92

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FIOKI FIORI DA URBINO. See Barocci, Fe- Woods, Under the Oak Trees, Solitude in .lerigo. Eifel Mountains, Vienna Museum ; Wood- FIORINI, GLAMBATTISTA. See Aretuxi, ' border in Tyrol, Hamburg Gallery ; Hessian Cesare. Landscape, Darmstadt Gallery ; On the FISCHBACH, JOHANN, born in Castle Heights in Eifel Mountains ; Heath at Sun- Grafenegg, Nether Austria, April 5, 1797, : set (18CC) ; Evening on Baltic Sea. MUller, died in Munich, June 15, 1871. Landscape 175. and genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy ' FISCHER, JOHANN GEORG, born at under Potter and Krafft. Extensively known Augsburg in 1580, died in Munich in 1G43. by his charcoal drawings. In 1840 he German school ; history painter, studied in moved from Vienna to Salzburg, lived there Prague and Italy, imitated Albrecht Dtirer. until 1851, then in the country, and from Works : Taking of Christ, Old Pinakothek, I860 in Munich ; was made member of the Munich ; Twelve Apostles, 11 Battle Scenes, Vienna Academy in 1843. Works : Poach- Schleissheim Gallery ; Ecce Homo, Moritz crs, Rosenlauig Glacier in Switzerland Chapel, Nuremberg ; Trinity (after Diirer), (1838) ; Peasant Boy quarrelling with Girl Pommerafelden Gallery. Nagler, iv. 354. about a Bird (1830), Widow in Graveyard FISCHER, JOSEF, born in Vienna, Jan. (1838), Museum, Vienna; Ideal Landscape 30, 1709, died there, Sept. 5, 1822. Ger- (1830), Huntsmen Resting (1845), Liech- man school ; landscape painter, pupil of the tenstein Gallery, ib. ; Anxious Expectation Vienna Academy, of which he became a mem- (1844), Children Found (1845), View near ber in 1815. In 1802 he was made director Sal/burg (1858), New Pinakothek, Munich ; of the Eszterhazy Gallery, Vienna. Works : Sal/ach Valley and Watzmann (1851). All- View of Vienna and the Danube, Vienna Mu- gem. d. Biogr., vii. 47; Andrcsen, v. 78; seum ; Landscape, Vienna Academy ; Storm Wurzbach, iv. 23I>. Landscape, Prague Gallery ; others in Na- FISCHKR, GOTTLOB, born in Stutt- ' tional Gallery, Pesth. Allgem. d. Biogr., gart, June 27, 1829. History and portrait vii. 70 ; Wurzbach, iv. 240. painter, studied sculpture hi Holland, and , FISCHER, JOSEF ANTON, born at painting (1853 55) in Paris under Ary Obersdorf, Allgiiu, Feb. 28, 1814, died in Schefter ; returned to Holland, and in 1857 Munich, March 20, 1859. History painter, settled in Stuttgart. Works: Bacchante pupil of the Munich Academy under Schlott- (185G) ; Protestant, Service in a Barn; hauer. Visited Italy with Forster and Schrau- (1859) ; Rembrandt in his Studio (18C5) ; dolph in 1832, and studied under Heinrich Spinoza and the Spiders (18G(i) ; King Lear Hess in 1834-40. In 1843 he revisited Italy, and Cordelia (1873) ; Tasso in Prison (187G) ; studied Fra Angelico, and was influenced by Portraits of King and Queen of Wiirtem- Overbeck. Works : Flight to Egypt (1841), berg (1875), of Prince Frederic, Baron von Adoration of the Magi (1844), Visitation Thumb, Baron von Cotta, Count Taube. (1845), Entombment (1848), New Pinako- Mliller, 175. thek, Munich; Assumption; Descent from FISCHER, (JOHANN CHRISTIAN) the Cross ; Nativity ; Birth of Mary ; Adora- RICHARD, born in Dantzic in 182G. Land- tion of the Magi. Allgem. d. Biogr., vii. 77 ; scape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy Regnet, 133. under Karl Sohn, Theodor Hildebrandt, and FISCHER, THEODOR, born in Schwerin Schirmer. From 1854 to 18G2 he lived in 1816, died there, March 30, 1873. His- alternately in Berlin and Dantzic, and then tory and portrait painter, pupil in Schwerin settled in the latter place. Works : Sultry of Schumacher, then in Dresden of Bende- Noontide, Early Morning, Noon in the Val- mann and Richter. Pictures in Schwerin ley, Dantzic Museum ; Evening in the Gallery and Grand Ducal Palace, in Ros- 58