Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/94

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FISHERS studied in Europe. Opened a studio in hof, Bremen ; Brema with her Children, Boston, but, meeting with little success, re- ' Feast of Bacchus, Four Praisers of Wine, moved to London. Lived in 1884 at Stey- Roland and Hose, Rathskeller, Bremen ; ning, Sussex. "Works: Noon (1872); Early Five Continents, Four Winds, Bremen's Sea- Sunimer (1875) ; Scotch Hillside, On the Trade (1880), Exchange, Bremen. Muller, Cam (187(5) ; The Meadows (1877); Pas- 175; Kunsl^Chronik, x. 291, 312 ; xiii. 489 ; torals (1878) ; Pevenscy Castle, Spring, xiv. 5G9. Weaned Calves, Spring Labour (187!)) ; FLACCO. See Fiasco. Coast Pastures, List of Autumn, Normandy FLAGELLATION (Fr., Christ a la Orchard (1880); Milking Time (1881); Sun- Coloime ; Ital., Nostro Signore flagellato li"ht and Shade, Melancholy Days, Mar- alia Colouna ; Sp., Cristo a la columna ; Ger., guerites (188'2): Timber Wagon, Early Geisselung Christi), the scourging of Christ Summer (1883); Sussex Pasture, Homewards previous to crucifixion (Matt, xxvii. 26; (1884); Low Tide, A Sketch in Ireland, A Mark xv. 15; Luke xviii. 1C; John xix. 1). Kerry Pastoral (1885). Sometimes called Christ at the Column. FISHERS OF THE ADRIATIC, Leopold By Murilfa, Duke of Wellington, London; Hubert, Neuchatel Museum ; canvas, dated canvas, H. 1. ft. 4 in. x 10 in. An execu- 1834. Paturle sale (Paris, 1872), 3,320. ; tioncr scourges the Saviour while another FITCH, JOHN L., born in Hartford, prepares the crown of thorns ; in back- Conn., in 1831!. Landscape painter, pupil ; ground, a wall and a grated window. Three in Hartford of George F. Wright ; went to figures, full-length. Companion to Pieta, Europe in 1855 and studied under Albert, also in possession of Duke of Wellington. Max, and Richard Zimmerman in Munich Subject treated also by Sodoma, Siena and Milan. Exhibits at the National Acad- Gallery ; Antonello da Messina, Venice pmy, of which he is an Associate. Studio Academy; Paolo Morando, Verona Gallery ; in New York since 1866. Works: Mountain Murillo, Louvre ; Gaudeuzio Ferrari, S. M. Brook (1870); Outlet (1871); In the Canon- 1 delle Grazie, Milan ; Sebastian del Piombo, Granville (1873); Stray Sunbeam (1875); In S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome; Lodovico the Woods, Autumn (187G); Twilight on Carracci, Bologna Gallery; Alonso Cano, Gill's Brook (1878); Study on Long Island Madrid Museum; Zurbaran, Berlin Mu- (1879); On Spruce Creek (1880); Study of seum ; David Teniers, younger, Madrid Beeches (1881); Path near Blue Mountain Museum ; Pelegrino Tibaldi, ib. ; Th. van Lake (1882); Study on the Croton, Pastoral , Tulden, Brussels Museum; Fr. Vanni, (1883); Study on the Raymondskill, Neg- ! Vienna Museum ; Ambrogio Borgognone, looted Road (1884). Brera, Milan ; Pedro Ruiz, Dresden Gallery ; FITGER, ARTHUR, born at Delmen- Joseph Heiuz, ib.; Karl Lehmann, Church horst, Oldenburg, Oct. 4, 1840. History of St. Nicholas, Boulogne-sur-Mer ; Hans painter, pupil of Munich Academy, where Holbein, elder, Munich Gallery ; Hans Hoi- he was much influenced by Cornelius and bein, younger, Basle Museum. Genelli. In Antwerp he studied Rubens, | FLAGG, GEORGE WHITING, born at and in Italy (18B3-65) the old Venetian mas- New Haven, Conn., June 26, 1816. Subject ters. Settled in Bremen in 1870. Works : painter, pupil of his uncle, Washington All- Fisher-Boat attacked by Mermaids ; German ' ston ; later studied three years in Europe. Saga on Giant's Grave ; Erlking's Daughters; Painted six years in London before settling Procession of Witches ; Waking of Barba- finally in New York ; elected N.A. in 1851. rossa ; Night and Dreams ; Prodigal Son, Works : Jacob and Rachel at the Well ; Por- Good Samaritan, Remberti Church, Bremen ; trait of Mme. Pico as Cenerentola ; Good Development of German Civilization, Ruteu- Samaritan ; Landing of the Atlantic Cable ; 60