Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/96

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FLANDIN Campagna (1802) ; Castel Gandolfo (1867) ; Pilatus on Lake Luzerne ; Grave-Ruins near Rome ; Outlook on Bay of Naples ; View near Nerina in Volsker Mountains ; Via Ap- pia near Eomc, Kunathalle, Hamburg ; View of Cumso, National Gallery, Berlin ; Sieben- gebirge (1880) ; Coast of Sorrento (1884). M filler, 177 ; Wiegmann, 381. FLANDIN, EUGENE NAPOLEON, born in Naples, Aug. 15, 1809, died in 1876. Landscape and marine painter, studied in Italy, accompanied the French expedition to Constantino in 1836, visited Persia in 1840- 41, and Assyria in 1844 ; published, with the architect Pascal Goste, "Voyage en Perse," (Paris, 1843-54), which made him famous, followed by several other publications on his travels, notably "L'Orieut" (1856-64). Medal, 2d class, 1837 ; L. of Honour, 1842. Works : View of Venice, Bridge of Sighs (1830) ; View of Hotel do Ville in Algiers (1837) ; Storming of Constantino (1838) ; View of Golden Horn and of Stamboul, Great Mosque of Ispahan, View of Constantinople, Entrance of the Bosporus (1855) ; Interior of St. Mark's, Venice, View of Tripolis (1857); Corner of Doge's Palace, Venice (1866). Larousse, viii. 431. FLANDEIN, (JEAN) HIPPOLYTE, born in Lyons, March 23, 1801), died in Rome, March 21, 18(54. His- tory and portrait painter, son of a poor miniature painter ; studied under the sculptor Legendre and under Revoil in the Lyons Academy ; then, with his younger brother, Paul, a pupil of Ingres in Paris. Won in 1832 the grand prix de Rome with his Theseus recognizing his Father, and after living in Rome six years returned to Paris (1838) and executed many decorative works, especially in St. Germain des Pres (1842-61), St. Paul, Nimes (1847-49), St. Vincent de Paul, Paris (1850-54), Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers (1854), and Church of Ainay, near Lyons (1855). L. of Honour, 1841 ; Officer, 1853 ; Member of Academy, 1853 ; professor of painting, 1857. Works: St. Clair healing the Blind (183C), Nantes Cathedral ; Reverie, Nantes Museum ; Euripides (1835), Dante and Virgil in Purgatory (1836), Lyons Mu- seum; Christ blessing Little Children (1837), Lisieux Museum ; Savonarola preaching in Florence (1840) ; Mater Dolorosa (1844) ; Study of Figure (1855), portrait of Young Girl (1863), Louvre, Paris ; Tower of Babel (1861), Lille Museum ; portraits of Cheru- bim after Ingres, Marie Anne de Bourbon, Marie Fr;m;oise de Noailles, Cardinal de Tournon, Diana of Poitiers, Versailles Mu- seum ; and portraits of Napoleon III., Je- rome Napoleon, Comte Duchatel, Comtesse Duchatel, Comte Walewski, and M. Say. Delaborde, Lettres et Pensees (Paris, 1865) ; Christian Painter of 19th Century (London, 1875) ; Ch. Blanc, Artistes de mon Temps, 263; Gaz. des B. Arts (1864), xvii. 105, 243 ; (1865), xviii. 66, 187 ; (1868), xxiv. 20. FLAND1UN, JEAN PAUL, born in Lyons, May 8, 1811. Landscape painter, brother of Hippolyte, pupil of Ingres. Medals : 2d class, 1839 ; 1st class, 1847 ; 2d class, 1848 ; L. of Honour, 1852. Works : Exile's Fare- well (1839) ; Shepherds' Brawl, Lioness Hunt- ing (1847); Penitents of the Roman Cam- pagna (1840); Solitude, Sabine Mountains (1852), Luxembourg Museum ; Nymph's Grotto, Gorge of Atlas, The Archers (1855); Jesus and the Canaanite Woman, The Rhone, (1857); Environs of Marseilles (1859), Angera Museum ; Flight into Egypt, Ministry of State; Park of Vaux-le-Peng (1861) ; Valley of Mont- morency (1863); Souvenir of Yeres, Souvenir 1 of Southern France (1865); View in Langue- doc, Souvenir of Bugey (1866); Solitude (1867); By the Water, Abandoned Race- Course (1868); Idyl, During the Harvest (1869); Grove of Green Oaks, Palace of the Popes at Avignon (1870) ; Souvenir of Pro- vence (1873); Souvenir of Provence, Idyl, Meadow near Nantua (1874); Souvenir of