Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/100

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LEON ib.; Mary Stuart in Prison, F. Harper, ib.; Quarrel "of the Pets, J. T. Mai-tin, Brook- lyn ; Visit to the Chateau, D. W. Powers, Rochester ; Appointment, C. H. Wolff, Phila- delphia ; In the Library, Boric Collection, ib. ; Interior of a Studio, T. Dolau, ib. ; Sans Invitation, W. B. Benient, ib. ; After the Audience, J. W. Bates, ib. ; Five Minutes too Late, Fairman Rogers, ib. ; Mario An- toinette at Versailles, Charles Crocker, San Francisco ; Reception of the Ambassador, T. Wigglesworth, Boston ; Introduction, W. Mason, Tauutou ; Hardwick Castle, R. C. Tuft, Providence ; Fencing Lesson, D. T. Buzby, Baltimore ; Ancient Regime, G. Hoadly, Cincinnati ; Return from the Hunt, H. B. Hurlbut Collection, Cleveland. Mul- ler, 102 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xvii. 281. LEON LEAL, SIMON DE, born in Ma- drid in 1010, died there in 1687. Spanish school ; pupil of Pedro do las Cuovas, but improved his style by copying Van Dyck. Painted altar-pieces and other religious com- positions. Stirling, ii. 720. LEONARDO, JOSE, bom at Calatayud, Aragon, in lOlfi, died at Saragossa iu 1650. Spanish school ; pupil of Pedro do las Cue- vas, but imitated the manner of Velasquez ; became one of the king's painters, and gave promise of a brilliant future, when he lost his reason from the effects of poison, ad- ministered, it is said, by a rival. Works : Surrender of Breda, Episode of the Thirty ] J Years' War, Madrid Museum. Stirling, ii. 721 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole espagnole ; Cean Bermudez ; Madrazo, 426. LEONARDO DA VINCI See Vinci. LEONE. See Leoni. LEONHARDI, AUGUST EDUARD, born at Freiburg, Saxony, Jan. 19, 1826. Land- scape painter, pupil of Dresden Academy under Ludwig Richter ; spent some years in Dusseldorf, and settled at Loschwitz, near , Dresden. Works : Trout-Fishing ; Spring ; Forest Border ; Solitude ; View in Saxon Switzerland ; German Wood Landscape (1803), Dresden Museum ; Swampy Country iu Autumn ; Moourise in the Woods. H- lustr. Zeitg. (1884), i. 479 ; Miiller, 333. LEONI (Leone), OTTAVIO, Cavaliere, born in Rome about 1575, died after June, 1628. Roman school ; son of Lodovico Le- oni, a painter of Pa- dua, whence Ottavio was sometimes called II Padovauino. He was one of the ablest portrait painters of his time, popes, car- dinals, and the nobility being among his sitters. He also engraved many heads of painters and others. Among his figure- pieces are : Annunciation, S. Eustachio, Rome ; Madonna with St. Hyacinth, S. M. Sopra Minerva, Rome. He was prince of the Academy of St. Luke, and was made a knight of the Order of Christ by Gregory XV. Ch. Blanc, Ecole ombrienue. LEONIDAS, painter, of Anthedon, pupil of Euphraiwr, 4th century n.c. Brunn (ii. 104) thinks him identical with the architect who wrote on proportion mentioned by Vitruvius (vii. Prtef. 14). Steph. Byz., v. ; Eust. Ad. Horn. II., ii. 271, 38. LEONIDAS AT THERMOPYLAE, Jacques Louis David, Louvre, Paris ; can- vas, H. 12 ft. 10 in. x 17 ft. 6 in. ; signed, dated 1814. Leonidas, holding his arms, is seated upon a rock near the altar of Her- cules ; beside him, at right, Agis, brother of his wife, is putting on his helmet, while two young Spartans take their arms, which are suspended from a tree ; at left, a soldier and the blind Eurytus ; a troop of Spartans advance to the sound of trumpets ; a sol- dier upon a rock engraves an inscription with his sword ; a sentinel on the steps of a temple signals the approach of the Per- sians. The last picture painted by David 64